
Thursday, May 8, 2014

What Would You Do If Money Were No Object And Fear Was Just A Word

Round 2

I so enjoyed reading everyone's answers to the big hopes and dreams question, What Would You Do If Money Were No Object And Fear Was Just A Word, that I thought it was probably time for Round 2.

I'll get things going again, but I hope you'll join in.

* I would travel to Paris and take a course at Le Cordon Bleu and fancy myself the next Julia Child.
* I would pay off the debt of all the people I love.
* We make holiday homes in Dublin, NYC and Rome. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a nice little place in each, that would have the comforts of home.
* I would do a Museum Hop, bouncing from city to city and museum to museum.
* I would found an organization (like this) with the sole purpose of eradicating malaria deaths. Did you know the the mosquito is more deadly than any animal? They cause more than 2 Million deaths a year, with a child dying every minute from malaria.
* I'd try hang-gliding. It has to be the closet thing to flying like a bird.
* I'd write a screenplay and then produce, cast and director it and if all goes well, win the Academy Award. But what would I say in my thank you speech in front of all those people?
* I'd take a run down this. Which I might have done if I hadn't seen the video first. Looks like a blast though, but I might possibly need a shot of tequila before I jumped on.
* I'd learn to sail.

You know, I'm kind of liking this little game of ours. A brief respite from all that needs to be done. A moment to dream a little.

So, I ask you.........What would you do if money were no object and fear was just a word?

Make it a great day. It's the only one we've got.

Ciao for now,


  1. There's not enough tequila in the world to get me on that coaster! And if you have taken your course at Le Cordon Blue, I might need to find a way to move closer to you...

  2. -I'd quit my job and move to the beach (and move my parents nearby too)! I'm thinking this house would do nicely:
    -I'd travel the world - all over Europe, China, Egypt, Australia, South America, African safari
    -I would volunteer and donate money to charity...something to do with animals in honor my doggies (an animal shelter or WWF).
    -I'd learn to paint and turn one of the rooms in my beach house into a studio.

    1. I don't know Sam, it may be just a tad too big and way too many windows to clean! Ha! oh yeah, somebody will do it for me. OK, I guess I could live with that view. holy moly. and I'm sure there is a room in there somewhere that would make a perfect studio

  3. I always had this idea to open an artist's retreat with a cafe hub, somewhere with 4 proper seasons to inspire and surrounded by spectacular landscapes. It would be complete with facilities for the 4 p's - photography, painting, printmaking and pottery. If I had the cash I'd make sure there was capacity for a resident artist program, workshops, scholarships and of course a gallery.

    1. hhhhmmm, perhaps we should combine forces. that's similar to my creative camp from the 1st round! love it!

  4. I would love to go paragliding, volunteer at a shelter for cats, and doing some travelling ofcourse!

    1. maybe we can go hang gliding and paragliding together. my mother thinks i've lost my mind. I told her, that's what i would do if FEAR were only a word. not sure if i could do it but I like to think I would

  5. I missed the first round, but I'm in this time!

    I would move South like my husband wants to do.
    I would open a bookshop, complete with local handmade gifts and a cafe.
    I would travel, especially to tropical locations with turquoise water.
    I would buy a beach house and outfit it with all the fabulous expensive furniture I refuse to pay for now.
    I would hire a housekeeper and a chef to take care of those things when I don't feel like doing them.

    1. Ha! That she refuses to pay for now! Love it.

      and I love that you're not only traveling to tropical locations but tropical locations with turquoise water.

      funny how a lot of us want to open a little shop of sorts...............

  6. I would become a permanent fixture at West Dean College and just do as many courses as I liked :)

    1. funny you popped by, you were on my mind yesterday.

      The Ever Matriculating Mrs. Hakes

  7. ah, so many things come to mind at once i don't think i could form any specifics. pay of student loans, buy whatever my family needs (and wants!), travel everywhere (in which case fear wouldn't exist because i hate flying), contribute to charities & take the time to actually see that my money is going to the right places. DEFINITELY own a B&M shop full of handmade goodness. (This will happen one day---can't wait to just pick and choose whatever art I want to put in my little shop!). have a beach house too. is that all? what a fun, uplifting post!

    1. it's a fun little brain break, isn't it? ah, the beach house. you have to see the one that allison linked to last time.

  8. This is fun!

    Alright, I would pay off of my student loans as well as my fiance's student loans and my best friend's student loans. I would buy the elders in my family a house so they don't have to worry about renting. I would then buy homes in Barcelona, South of France, Paris, England, and hire a personal tutor so my kids can travel with me and still learn. I would most likely just travel around the world forever.

    1. It is, isn't it?

      a little break from the mundane.

      A tutor! oh, that's a good one! then you can all travel.
      pay off debt and buy your elders a family!

    2. I thought about it and I definitely want to add make a movie to this. One of my dreams is to write and direct a film. I think it would be amazing.

    3. hey, don't know if I ever mentioned it or not........I wrote a full length screenplay for my college thesis. :)

  9. I love your ideas and I always wanted to take a course at Le Cordon Bleu. Le sigh! I would probably, travel the world with my Balazs and our two dogs...wake up in a different county ever week or month....explore the amazing culture of all those different little spots around the world. Taste all the amazing food each country has to offer and just be happy doing it. xoxo

    1. perhaps we can register for le cordon bleu together! ;)

      traveling with b and your hounds sounds PERFECT


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