
Friday, May 9, 2014

Freeform Friday: Mother's Day Free Printable Wall Art

Happy Mother's Day

Hello all you mothers out there and all you people out there with moms.......oh yeah, that makes all of us!

Here's a Happy Mother's Day wish to all and I'm doing it with some very wise words from my own mother, which I've used to design some free printable wall art for you. Print it off, frame it and give it your mom or any moms you know.

You can download this free printable mom inspired wall art here.

She's smart that mother of mine, yes?

I'm lucky to still have my mom (right Mom?) and as we celebrate Mother's Day this Sunday in the states I think of people who have lost theirs, like my friend who lost his mom on Mother's Day. I think of Mrs. Dumont each Mother's Day and hear her saying 'oh just have another halfie'. God love her. She was a character. So if you're lucky like me, and still have your mom around, tell her she is WOW and so much more.

Things about my mom.....................

 (us almost 10 years ago at her godson's wedding)

 ..............that are hard to beat:

* she's the most thoughtful person I know, always sending little notes in the mail, cards for every holiday and occasion, leftovers on a on a regular basis (keep 'em coming- the chicken and rice bake was awesome this week!), has a thank you note in the mail sooner than you can blink an eye (we joke she has them made out ahead of time). The list goes on.

* she's a ridiculously hard worker who still doesn't want to take a rest. Sit down already Mom!

* she knows the names of a gazillion nails and screws and fasteners and anything else you'd find in a hardware store thanks to my parents having their own when I was a kid. She knows more about what's in hardware store than most men these days.

* she traveled cross country in a station wagon with two babies in diapers; then two toddlers and one baby in diapers; then two kids, one toddler and one baby in diapers. Luckily when they had me, they only had to travel one state over with their brood of 5. Personally, that alone puts her in the running for mother of the year. Not convinced? Let me remind you that when my mother was doing this, there were no disposable diapers. By the way, while my mother was in a station wagon changing diapers, the dog flew. I kid you not.

* she's an awesome cheerleader. In fact she's still cheering us all on.

* she's an excellent secret keeper. Sorry Dad, but you not knowing I went into Boston to see Billy Idol and others in high school didn't hurt you. Now did it?

* she is nothing if not fair. Has a running tab on the Christmas list so she spends the exact same amount on everybody.

* is an awesome Grammy and Great Grammy.

* is the best Mother In Law my husband could ask for.

* let my sister and her friends draw all over her wall and painted an awesome sun on the ceiling of her bedroom. Which then became my bedroom to which she added very colorful animals that she painted - like a zebra and hippo to my wall, that's in addition to the bright orange shag rug on the wall that is still there to this day.

* is as genuine as genuine gets.

Of course, I could go on for days. I mean, I'm talking about my mom, right?

What's something about your mom that can't be beat?

Freeform Friday 

One more thing about my mom (and Dad), they have great taste in music and had the best collection of 45s. As kids, along with our friends,we'd dance on the patio for hours with their records playing. Here's one to get the weekend started.  I'm not convinced the 45 was The Andrew Sisters, but I've to check their record box to be sure. Click here if you're reading via email. (Where's my polka partner Celine when I need her?)

And one of my all time favorites. Mr. Bennett if you please and my favorite version of this song. It made him a star.  Click here if your reading via email.

What's happening in your world this weekend? Mine will be filled with some desk work, some raking, hoping to get some watercolor time in, laundry, know, the usual. Oh, and some time with Mom of course.

Make it a good one and I'll see you on the flip side of the weekend.

Ciao for now,


  1. Great quote, that mother of yours is very wise! Nothing planned yet, I'll see where the weekend will take me. I'll try to visit the library for some good reads and maybe I can get my hands on a Mad Men dvd box. Lot's of rain, so I hope that the weekend will not take me outside too much..

    1. We had rain last night and this morning but looks like it is trying to clear. key word is 'trying'. no success yet.

      just put the dishes away and another load in the dishwaser. moving onto laundry and bills before I hit the desk!

      good luck evading the rain drops!

  2. What a lovely photo of you both...and that quote rocks.

    1. all of you mothers are WAY more than WOW!

      it was a fun wedding we were at!

  3. Wow...I loved The Andrew Sisters. I learned the polka by standing on my Daddy's feet and then holding on for dear life as he took off dancing. Thanks for the memories. :0)

    1. LOVE that Debbi, I think we all have memories of waltzing on dad's feet but the polka!!! too much fun


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