Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love Is In The Air

As Valentine's Day Nears
In case you're one who is a big Valentine's Day gift giver, you better hurry up. It's nearly here.
I don't think me and G have ever been 'big' Valentine's Day gift givers. We're more 'special dinner' Valentine's Day people. I usually make the special dinner, he eats it.
Know what I mean? We may get a special wine to go with dinner, he may bring me flowers, or we may exchange cards, but that's pretty much the extent of it.
It's enough for the two of us to just enjoy spending time with each other, at home with the fire going trying to fight the dog for space on the couch.
We just don't need more than that. It could have something to do with the fact that we've been married nearly 25 years, or it may just be our personalities, but we're usually happy enjoying a nice meal and a glass of home.  That's not saying anything about making a big deal about Valentine's Day. It's never a bad thing to profess your love for those you care about.
What about you? Do you exchange gifts? Make a special meal? Go the extra mile for your mate? Go out to dinner?  How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Busy and productive day at the Bates Estate. Don't you love that? Hope yours is the same.
Ciao for now,


  1. We don't really exchange gifts for Valentine's Day either. We are doing fondue night at home tomorrow to celebrate. I've planned a cheese fondue, broth for cooking meat, and then a chocolate fondue. We prefer to stay home and have a fun meal together instead of fighting the crowds at a restaurant.

  2. We are pretty lazy with this holiday. Mostly just dinner and flowers. Although last year Kyle surprised me with a new watch:)


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