Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In The Works

Remember That List I Told You About?

You guessed it, it keeps on getting longer and longer, even though I am diligently crossing things off. I will say this, it's getting longer with really, really good stuff so that makes it 'not so bad' after all.

I've been busy designing and was able to add two new typography illustrations to Bates Mercantile Co. in the last two days.

The first, is a quote by me, myself and I. I've been thinking about home a lot lately, what with friends moving near and far, and others being displaced by Sandy. It's just been something that's been rattling around my brain. All of these friends, though they are not currently in 'their old homes or new homes', seem to find a way to be at peace with that. Perhaps this is why.

People's resilience never ceases to amaze me.

The second was inspired by a fabulous quote by Kurt Vonnegut. 

LOVE that quote.

I'm really excited about a couple of things happening on the Muse in coming weeks.  I am currently pulling the next giveaway together. In case you missed the last couple, they garnered more than 27,00 entry points which means lots and lots of people entered, and they were so enthused about the giveaway that they earned extra entries by sharing on pinterest, tweeting, facebooking and visiting sponsor shops multiple times. This makes me happy, because it means you like what's in the giveaways and my sponsors get the exposure they deserve for their shops. It also makes me happy that I am once again blessed with the most wonderful sponsors. As expected, there will be a fine selection of items for you to try and win. I hope to launch the giveaway at the end of this week or beginning of next week, and I want you all to be here to have a chance of winning of course.  If you have a shop and are interested in becoming a sponsor, there are couple of spots left.  [Keep in mind that you get an ad on the Muse for the duration of the giveaway, as well as being featured in two sponsor spotlights, and many social media mentions too.] People have been jumping on the bandwagon, so don't hesitate to let me know that you are interested. We're going to make someone's holiday season a whole lot brighter. What's not to love about that?

You can also expect some tutorials for the holidays. I'm working with my blogging pal Kristen from Milo & Molly on some tutorial swaps and I am psyched. It sprung from an idea she had that I just had to steal...which was rerunning some past tutorials.  I think the holidays are the perfect time to do a little crafting to either create new decorations and get in the proper 'tis the season mood, or to create gifts that mean so much more because they're 'made by you'.  So keep your eyes out for the tutorials (I'll give you a more detailed heads up when my tutorial plans are fleshed out a big more).  If you have a blog and would like to participate in the tutorial post swap, drop me a line, while I'm still organizing things on this end. It's a way to give our followers more how-tos and fun information, while introducting them to each other's blogs. Win/win situation peeps. 

OK. I think that's it. I've got a few things to package up and ship off to customers.  Got the North, South, East and West of the US covered and New South Wales. Coolamundo.

Make it a good one in your corner of the world, and I'll do the same.

Ciao for now,


  1. I feel like my to-do list is never ending! I'm glad yours is filled with good stuff you enjoy doing :-)

    1. well, it's filled with lots of 'other' stuff like cleaning and bookwork that I don't so much fancy, but always good to focus on what you do like. right bev?

  2. Woo hoo for swapping! Which reminds me...I should be writing you an e-mail!

    1. p'wah. i won't mention the 'juggling' post i was supposed to do for you. whoops, i just did. guess i'm not so good at it. ;)

  3. Love your newest posters. Shared on Twitter and pinterest. You definitely have a way with words. The home one is so true and beautiful!

    1. as i said, you da best! thank you SO much. I really appreciate that.


You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam

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