Take A Walk With Us........We're Really Lucking Out This Week
As I was hanging out the laundry yesterday, the bluebirds were having a feast on our pokeweed. They love those big purple berries. So much so, they had to keep resting.......in our neighbors pear tree and in our Oak. I love bluebirds as much as they love pokeweed berries.
The day was still beautiful when I tore myself away from my desk for good.
Did we get one field walk in last week? I can't remember, but it's doubtful considering all the rain we got. Since it stopped on Tuesday, we've been lucky to get out and about in the field. I can't quite express how great it is having that field right across the street. Gives the hound a place to run and run and run. You wouldn't know he's twelve when he's in that field.
I saw something in the field ahead of us, I couldn't decide if it was a big bunch of dead Oak leaves. It wasn't.
It was this guy.
I couldn't get a great shot because he kept popping up and down.
I thought these shots of the barn stood out.
Well, this one might be more about the queen anne's lace. Plus, I love the airplane streaking across the sky.
I really love that barn door. I am going to design something that is inspired by it.
Hey, I just noticed that little bunch a queen anne's lace against the barn. Too sweet.
Winners & Losers
Being the hockey nut that I am, and being that my Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup this year, I stood in my living room taking pictures of the TV as they raised the new pennant to the rafters. I know, I'm a dork. I thought it was one of the best championship moments in any sports, they really did it up right. You see, us Bruins fans have been waiting a long, long time for another pennant. I was only six the last time, and I remember it. The 1971-72 team, with my guy Bobby Orr and the rest. They were something else. BUT, so was my team last year. Great bunch of guys that never gave up and always believed they could do it. Right through game 7 in Vancouver (sorry Canuck fans). So, last night, the Bs did it in style. They had the 71-72 team there and last years champions. Both teams carried the flag to it's position to be hauled to the rafters. It was classic.
Next best thing to being there. Standing in my living room with the Gman, watching it.
I told you I was a dork.
I'm also not just a hockey nut, but a sports nut in general. This is where we get to the losers. My Yanks blew it last night. Gave up their chance to move on. Handed it to Detroit. They just couldn't score that one run we needed. Hope they enjoy the winter off. I won't be too upset. I mean, we can't win them all.
Sunset Meadows
Love the way the plane trail is hombre colored from pink to purple like the sunset. Too cool, and pretty to boot.
Need I say more?
Freeform Friday
Have I told you how great my husband is? Let me explain what I mean by great. Cary Grant, is my favorite. At the top of my list (you know the list ..........the one that includes says 'if they came knocking at your door, you'd let them in whether you were married or not'). Well, knowing this, and even though it's a romance, the Gman let me have the TV the other night to watch An Affair to Remember. Oh, Cary and Deborah Kerr had great chemistry. Then again, so did Cary and all is co-stars. How could you not have chemistry with a man like Cary? Here's a funny little scene from Bringing Up Baby with Katherine Hepburn. Great timing. 'I knew you were here. I felt it as soon as I hit the floor.' It cracks me up. Hope it starts your weekend off with a chuckle.
Click right here. For some reason embedding had been disabled on this video.
Here's a picture of Cary just to show why you should click right there, if you haven't yet.

Mmmm, mmmm mmmm mmm mmmm. Just sayin'.
Make it a great day where you are and have a super weekend. We'll be stacking all the wood Gar's been splitting. Also have to defrost the fridge which is not running right. Wouldn't normally have to do that, but somethings not right and it's a frozen tundra in my freezer. Can't have that, can we? You got anything more exciting than that on the books?
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