Sunday, October 9, 2011

Last Night

Saturday Night At The Bates Estate

What a day, yesterday was. Gorgeous. Indian Summer. 80+ F. Needed some outdoor time. This is how it went down.

The hound, Gar and I chilled by the campfire.

'Lord' Lucan begged for our delicious Maine made Tome, from Robinson Farm.

We caved on a couple of pieces and a cracker. The hound was happy.

I built the aforementioned campfire.

We enjoyed the fire for a while and thought about going in. Scratched that idea. Too nice out.

Played dominoes on the picnic table instead.

Gar won a game and did the "I Am The Winner" taunting of the loser (me). It's a tradition when we play dominoes.

Grilled a couple of cheese burgers. Threw more wood on the fire.

Let the fire die. Went inside for dessert..........yum, canoli.

You Tubed a couple of songs and had a spin around the kitchen floor.

Went to bed.

Sunset Meadows

Oh, I almost forgot. The sun set.

No idea what was up with this camera setting, but in the end I think this picture came out real cool.

Gotta do some housework and then I may just jump in the pool one last time. We'll see. But it is that warm.

Happy Sunday. Enjoy it where you are.


  1. Your dog is so beautiful! Our kids are getting really interested in dogs lately. I'm more of a cat gal myself, just because they are so low maintenance. Throw out a bowl of food, some water and a poopy box and there all good, LOL! I have a feeling we are going to end up with puppies!

  2. You're sweet. I won't tell Lucan that or it will go to his head. Plus, I'd have to wake him up off the couch to tell him.

    Always had a cat growing up but they were all outdoors. I couldn't do it on our road. We're in the country, but our road is a cut through.

    I love all animals but in my heart of hearts I'm a dog girl. They give you SO much love.


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