
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pinning This!


It's all it's cracked up to be.

Too much excess anything- whether it's baggage, words, design elements, or what have you- it can  start to weigh things down.

It's something as a designer and communicator that I am constantly reminding myself of over and over again. Does it really need that? Does 'that' make it better?  I've talked about simplicity here before (here and here) and I most definitely will again. Some things just bear repeating.

Here's a little simplicity to remind you (and I) that less really is more.

Simple design can be so pleasing to the eye.

Gorgeousness, yes?

Then again I'm a bohemian colorful gal at heart. What to do? What to do?

Strive to seek balance.

What have you been pinning lately? In addition to simplicity I've also been leaning toward gardening and outdoor room pins too. You can tell where my head is.

Have an awesome day.

Ciao for now,

PS- if you didn't get a chance to check out yesterday's What Inspires You Wednesday post, I think when you're done watching the video, you'll be glad you did.


  1. I've pinned a few art projects to do....making my own clay stamps, concrete bottles, clay paper cups to just want to find the time.

    1. what? clay stamps? what the what? I need to know more. concrete bottles? hell, if you need tips please send any questions to g.! ha! if you have an success in finding aforementioned time, please give me the directions.

  2. Love the look of the coffee. I've been trying to get rid of lots of clutter. Things around the house I haven't used in ages, but I always have trouble to throw away things that might come in useful in the future. Or pants that I might be able to fit into one day (yes, I still believe). Going to watch wednesdays video somewhere this weekend.

    1. Ha! Me too... To many too small hopeful

    2. this could very well be a running theme with all of us.

  3. Oh boy, just typed a bit over here and when I pushed the publish button my computer started giving me a hard time. I love the design of the coffee packaging. I am trying to declutter my home, but I have trouble to get rid of things that might come in useful some day. Or pants that I think I might fit into again one day (I still believe!). I'll watch wednesday's video somewhere this weekend.

    1. I hate that!!! I am constantly hitting post on instagram before i've checked spelling etc. Wish there was an edit button over there. I like that you see the glass half full and keep the clothes. a girl can dream, yes?

  4. ahh, balance. all important balance. Hard to find, important to strive for. All ellusive.
    Simple is good. Simple design tends to last.

    1. why on earth is it so hard to find? perhaps we're all trying to do too much. and maybe that translates into why simplicity in design lasts. because it's not trying to hard to do anything. it just is.

  5. Love that little vase, hope you'll have a wonderful weekend ahead of you!

    1. Wilma, isn't it so sweet? perfectly wonderful little budvase.

  6. Gorgeous stuff. I wish I had the patience for basket making. Love that beehive-y thing! I made exactly two baskets one year and they are worth every penny people charge. Whew.

    1. Have never tried basket making. I'm not sure I'd have the patience. Isn't that skep too cool? I don't know why, but I loved them!

  7. Oh yes, this post is perfect! I am all about simplicity and little pleasures. Ps: those coffee beans sound amazing. Kisses


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