
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hunting & Gathering For Holiday Crafting

In Search Of

As you may know from yesterday's post, I've got crafting on my mind.  I'm thinking about the things I want to make this holiday season, how I want to decorate my home to create that Christmas feeling, and what handmade gifts I'm going to give this year.

I've decided on the first craft DIY I'm going to try.  While the hound and I were out for our walk, I started to gather small pieces of the puzzle.  There's plenty more to go, but you have to begin somewhere.  I'm really excited about this one. I've been toying with the idea for awhile now, so I'll be happy to actually make it for my own home.

So far...............

baby pine cones


.....and roping.

What I love about this craft is that I can incorporate pretty much anything my heart desires.

Want take a guess?

I'll give you a hint: it hangs.

Now, enough about me.................what holiday crafts do you have planned? Are you making them to decorate or give as gifts?  If you need ideas, check out the ones I featured yesterday.  I love them all.

Fess up.

Ciao for now,


  1. Pine cones. Acorns. Possibly a pomander or three. Who needs anything more?!

  2. Sorry to say I am not much of a crafter...but i like these phoyos...nice styling!


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