
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What Inspires You Wednesday

Color & Etsy

It's Wednesday and amidst a ton of catchup bookkeeping/tax work which I loathe, I needed a break to get a little creative fix.

It started when I stepped outside this morning and continued when I created a treasury of some etsy favorites.

You can view this treasury, titled 'Let's write an adventure together', and the shops included in it here.  Which I highly suggest because they all have much more for you to discover.

Then, feeling inspired, the treasury lead to this:

I hope you all have a lovely day. It may reach 80 here today, so I must get busy and bust it out. I'd love to finish what I'm working on and enjoy some of this beautiful weather.

What's inspiring you today?

Ciao for now,


  1. we just passed 80 is my birthday, and I am inspired to do...NOTHING. LOL

    1. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU Debbi!!! and many, many happy returns. NOTHING........the perfect thing for your birthday!

  2. ...I'm inspired by an ikea trip and the opportunity to get more storage to clean up the house- and more to the point, the mental space that creates gives me the space to be inspired. Oh, and a few garden projects underway....slowly slowly


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