
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Does Your Dog Do This?

Morning Ritual

Since Lucan can't scratch his own back, it's not like I don't understand.  I do.

That's not to say, that it still doesn't give me a laugh every day.

There. Now doesn't that feel better?

Beautiful day here.

We went for our morning walk. Sun shining and warming up the day.

Clear blue skies.

Chartreuse leaves. Yellow leaves. A few orange and red thrown in for good measure.

The smell of fall in the air. The fading flowers. The apples. The pears. The dew on leaves that have fallen.

The sound of one leaf, maybe two, drifting to the earth to rest.

Dappled sunlight spread on the path before us, greeting the new day.

I hope yours started as nicely.

Ciao for now,


  1. Love the pictures! How did you get them to look like paintings? Photoshop settings?


    1. you guessed it leslie..........photoshop. filter gallery :)

    2. Love it! Must play with those!

  2. Walks are pleasant this time of year -- -no chartreuse leaves in my neighborhood, though. Lucan is too cute.


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