
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Take A Walk With Us

Peak Foliage: Part One

How's it going guys?  You made it through Monday unscathed?

Part of the reason I did, was because I took Sunday off. ALL the way off. I didn't do any work at my desk. This is very rare.  I needed it and luckily G man was up for the foliage drive I wanted to get in before all the leaves fell.

Sunday was gorgeous.  We drove up through Newington, got peaks of Great Bay, watched a plane take off at Pease and continued to Portsmouth. We parked the car on Pierce Island, got out and walked the paths and enjoyed the sights of the changing trees, the river and the harbor.  We have no shortage of pretty places to walk in this area and for that I am grateful.

There's something amiss with this year's foliage. It's almost as if the maples and oaks are a little out of sync, but I guess that just means a longer leaf peeping season.  It's all beautiful none the less.

Even the things that have passed.

G is usually ahead of me, but here he was lagging behind.

What a beautiful time of the year.

More pics from the Sunday excursion tomorrow.

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam