
Friday, September 27, 2013

Still Life

On The Ground, Waiting

When G went out the back door this morning, he found these on the ground.

Dear Pears, Sorry we didn't realize you were oh so perfectly ripe for the picking.

And eating.


Now, some still lifes I really admire.

J. Ingerstedt - Interior photography

Thoughts On Mindful Living at Home 

I came across the picture of a cat on pinterest via one of my favorite blogs, Decor8 and just happened to find the post Thoughts On Mindful Living at Home. It resounded with me. How, when we are all juggling so many things, are we able to create our own moments of 'still life'? Worth a read.


You can see more still lifes on my Pinterest board. Some of these photographers and artists are amazing.

Freeform Friday

It's gray today. However, in case you hadn't realize it, it's also Friday. This is a good thing.
This song has been in my head since we listened to the jazz band in Washington Square Park play a few weeks ago while in NYC.

I'd never heard of Vivan Green. Perhaps I live in a closet. Or under a rock. But I simply adore this duet with Mr. Jules Holland planing a mean piano accompaniment. 

Click here if you're reading by email or reading on the blog (embedding was disabled......sorry). 

Have a great Friday and enjoy the rest of your weekend as well. Tomorrow we're off to our friends Ralph and Cathryn's lobster bake. Oh yeah. Works for me.

Ciao for now,


  1. Hello there Pam! Long time no read, I fear - have been so busy socialising on Etsy, that I fear blogs etc. have been neglected and to add to the confusion, am mid-way into a five week holiday away from base with daughter and son-in-law in Nottinghamshire. Good to read - and see - the contents of this post. Hope everyone is well and thriving!

    Isobel from

    1. Hi Isobel, I hope you are keeping well and this is just a nice holiday away this time! enjoy and be well. thanks for stopping by!

    2. It is Pam - thanks for the thoughts! Have another two weeks with younger daughter, and then it's back to toy-making with a vengeance - Christmas is coming!!!!

  2. Great pear photos, Pam!! And thanks for the link to a true classic.

  3. Happy week-end my friend! A lobster bake sounds fabulous. Great photos of the pears ... hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  4. Hi Pam. Just dropping by. Have a fun weekend.

  5. How I love these pear shots. They remind me of my wedding


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