Thursday, October 4, 2012

A 'Welcome Fall' Party

It's Time for the First Fall Gotta Have It/Gotta Blog It Link Party

Hey gang, I hope you're having a great day. 

Can I give you a some background on the parties I throw here on the Muse?  Since my day job consists of helping other small business people to promote themselves through advertising, pr and marketing, these little soirees are a fun virtual extension of that. It's a way for the many independent business owners, shop owners and bloggers to connect with each other and you (in case you're not one of the aforementioned). It's a virtual party, where people share what they make, do or blog about, make new friends and, generally speaking, have a good time.  It's also a chance for you to experience the handmade and independent business movement that's going on, and discover new blogs to follow. There's a lot of people online who have great things to say and are expressing it through their art, craft, business or blog and you can connect with some of them right here at the Gotta Have It/Gotta Blog It Link Up Party.  I think it's important for us independent business people to support each other and this party is one the ways I do that.

Whether you're a shop owner, blogger or someone who just stopped by, you're cordially invited to join in the fall festivities.

In honor of the new season, let's take some time out of our day to celebrate fall.

1. invitation via KT's Art's & Design's  2. pinecones via The Rustic Woodshed
3. pumpkin photo via Summer Owens Fine Art Photography
4. vintage table cloth set via StoryTellersVintage
6. cocktail set via followmevintage 7. herb dip diy via Craig’s Emporium 
8. vintage cake carrier via Doodlebug Emporium

Ready to party? Remember, even if you don't own an etsy shop or online business and you don't blog, you are still invited to this party. It's a fun place to window shop and see what you might have been missing until now.

Please read the guidelines before linking up:
*If you like Mercantile Muse enough to link up at the party, I ask that you follow too. There are several different ways to follow in the sidebar. 
*Don't link and run. Be kind and check out each other's links. You can't believe the things I've discovered at these parties. Plus, it's all about supporting each other after all. 
*You'll also find Bates Mercantile Co. here: facebook, pinterest, twitter. It'd be great to connect with you any way I can.
*Will you share a link to the party? Blog, tweet, facebook, share on your etsy team if you're on one, etc. If you blog and are so inclined to grab a button (from Mercantile Muse's button page) and feature it on your blog, that would be wicked awesome.  Everyone is welcome here, so be sure to tell your friends.
*If you take part in the link up, you will go on my email list to receive notification from me (from the address pbates at speakeasyinfo dot net) when the next link up party is underway, as well as other Mercantile Muse news.
*BY ALL MEANS, get to know the person next to you. Leave a comment that tells us a little more about your shop and/or blog and read and respond to what others have to say.  If you need inspiration, here's something to get you started......'how did you start making __________ or blogging about ________? 
Need more inspiration? How about this video via my blogging pal Bonnie at {Paper.Keeper}. I think you'll like it. It would make the party so much better if we took a little time to sit in a 'ball pit' and get to know one another better.

Now, without further delay...'the party'.If you're reading via email you can stop by the party here.

If you have something to share from your shop, your blog, or something that you made, please link up here:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

I can't wait to see what you've all left behind at this party. Monday's post on the Muse will feature my picks from the party. Oh, wait......can you hold on just a second while I turn up the music? I think you guys will like this take on a Fall classic.
I'm glad it's Thursday. It's been a busy week and there is still much to do. I'm working on pulling together another awesome giveaway and I'm excited about the shops already on board. You're going to love it. If you're interested in participating as a sponsor, give me a shout to see if you're a good fit for this one. I'm hoping we get a little sun for the weekend because it's been gray and rainy. How's  your week going so far? 
See you on the flip side,


  1. It's party time again already? Wow! You set a very nice scene here. I can taste the apple cider and pumpkin pie. :) Happy fall!

    1. well hey there. so....can't wait to see the mudroom.

      since you're the first to post....let's get to know each other better.

      How often do you swing by the town dump where you find all your goodies? AND

      How'd you start an etsy shop and why a blog? Just wondrin'. :)

    2. Well, it's raining again so no mudroom pics today. 78 and sunny tomorrow so maybe a better shot. Plus, I have to sew and hang the curtains for the door since Mr. Sewing Machine Man brought my machine back yesterday. :)

      The dump is open 3 days a week and I try to hit it up all 3 days unless it's pouring or I have no other reason to go out. It's really great on a bright sunny day when people are willing to lug stuff out of their house and to the landfill. It's been kind of blah lately but I always seem to score a few good books.

      I started my etsy shop because I was trying to salvage a little piece of myself after becoming a stay at home mom. I needed something for just me. And I've always been crafty so I decided to give it a try. I started the blog to promote the etsy shop but then it just turned into more and I decided I liked sharing stuff I was doing and finding. It's been a nice way to meet people I wouldn't have otherwise.

      My turn. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream, and how much tea do you and the Irishman drink every day?

    3. Ok, I lied. I finished the curtains and took pictures. :)

    4. You know, I'll say this, when gar goes to our dump he usually comes home with a find. the guy that's there saves things he think he might be able to use (our own picker! ha!). anyways, he totally scored this big leaf collector that connects to the back of the ride on mower. whoever had it before was obviously not handy because there was something amiss with the handle and they had it taped and tied beyond belief. gar ripped all that off and all it needed was a new nut! it's like a $200 dollar pieces of equip!

      I love the little mudroom cabinet you scored....good one!

      I'm so glad you're blogging. Isn't it great to connect with people this way? And that's exactly why I started our etsy shop. All day long I might be creating and designing for other people and I wanted to get creating for the sake of creating again. yay for that!

  2. Love the Fall! And I will drink from those glasses anytime!! Nice to see everyone!

    1. Hey Leona! can I just say I love all the wonderful things you post on facebook.

      isn't that cocktail set amazing?

      Since we're networking, I have a question for you.....have you always lived in GA or did you end up there? if you ended up there, how? AND, when did you start taking photographs?

  3. Hey Pam, great Fall round up and kick off; in my part of the world, it finally today felt like fall. We've had near 100 degree temps for the last 7-10 days! I'm ready for the change, and your visuals help! Glad you loved the ball pit too...isn't that just amazing? Would be fun to sit and chat! Linking up to the party now..things have been so busy with the start of school - work and kiddo...I've been a bit out of sync lately!

    1. if you've been out of sync, you sure hide it good.

      now some ball pit questions for you-

      how many siblings do you have, if any?

      share your biggest accomplishment in life (other than your family)?

      and what's your favorite movie?

      hey, it's a virtual ball pit, remember?

    2. Thanks...and yes a little out of Etsy shop has been neglected, I need to give it some love, and my Facebook page has been so very quiet...sigh...

      I do have sibs...several. 7 in fact.

      biggest accomplishment...gosh, most tangible perhaps is that I have a Master's Degree in Higher Education which is also what I do for a living :)- hard to say. other things are far more important to me, but harder to sum up :)

      Favorite many, Grease, Divine Secrets of YaYa Sisterhood, Mystic Pizza, and more I can't think of at the moment.... :)

      Love it, the ball fun!

    3. 7!!!!!!!!!!

      your parents were BUSY.

      Well, pardon us ms. masters. FAB! I'm sure that was a LOT of hard work.

      BTW, I know the entire grease soundtrack by heart.

  4. we never have fall/autumn in my country only sun or rain but I always love the colors of autumn..

    1. and where I am, we have all four seasons.....well make that 5. Summer, Fall, Winter, MUD season, and Spring. When the snow melts it makes a mess!

      The fall we have here in New Hampshire is quite beautiful. Especially when the sugar maples, the ash and the oaks are all turning at the same time. it's quite a display. if we get some sun this week, i'll surely be posting some pictures. it's almost in full swing.

      utary, what is your favorite thing to do on the weekend? and if you lived somewhere else, where would you want that to be?

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this! I truly appreciate blog site owners who are willing to help others up! Being a shop owner is not easy or whimsical, and people like you can make all the difference! THANK YOU!


    1. that's so sweet shirley! thanks so much.

      now, tell me....where did you learn to tie such great bows? was it a craft tutorial or did you teach yourself?

      AND, what is your favorite movie?

  6. Hi from Wisconsin-- nice to look in on your activity-- home with flu. Favorite movie: Manhattan Murder Mystery with Diane Keaton/ Woody Allan.

    1. oh diane, i hope you feel better. early in the season for the flu. i had a wrotten bug at end of spring and i'm hoping i escape unscathed this winter.

      Love Diane and woody is a great director! Thanks for sharing.
      my favorite line from hannah and her sisters is when they quote ee cummings beautiful poem 'somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond' *nobody, not even the rain has such small hands*. sigh.

  7. Love all these fall finds Pam! Thanks for featuring my Vintage Embroidered Tablecloth Set :)

    You have perfect timing too...I'm actually still wearing a sweatshirt past 9 am here in NorCal! This is our real first fall day here :)

    1. Hi Kate! you are more than welcome my dear. it's perfect for the fall party, don't you think?

      yeah! a sweatshirt. I've been able to wear mine on and off for a couple of weeks. though i hate to give up my flip flops.

      hhhhmmmmm, we're getting to know each other this time around so here's a question for you.......what's your favorite book? and one more..........who was your favorite teacher and why?

  8. Replies
    1. Hello there Lisa....are you going to play along? Humour me.

      How many places did you live before the mile high city? if any....and which was your favorite?

  9. If only we could attend the party for real instead of through the screen! This weekend is supposed to be really chilly, so the timing is perfect.

    1. Wouldn't that be the bomb? party in person would be way too much fun.

      it's been a miserably gray week here. hoping we get a little clearing so we can get at least one campfire in. and so we can see the changing trees in beautiful sunshine.

      here's your party question so we can get to know you better......How did you start making jewelry? Did you take a class? were you crafting in other ways that lead to it? AND, what's your favorite thing so far about having your own new home?

    2. I first learned to make jewelry when I was 12. My mom and aunt are creative, and back then they went through a big jewelry-making phase. So they taught me and I made a few things, and then I sort of forgot about it for 11 years in favor of other crafty stuff. Starting my business came about for a couple of reasons. One, I had been out of college for a year and was having a lot of doubts about the field I was in (radio). Two, I had recently gotten married and had a blast planning my wedding. I wanted to stay in the wedding circle somehow, and remembered that I knew how to make jewelry. So I opened the shop!

      As for my favorite thing about the house, it's a tie between not sharing walls with our neighbors and having more room to decorate, haha.

      Now my question for you: how/why did you start this blog?

    3. wow, i think that's pretty good that you put 2 and 2 together about the 'weddings' market right that quick. takes some of us much longer to hone in. i love that your aunt and mom got you 'unknowingly at the time' hooked on jewelry. what really makes me smile is that you 'went back to it'.

      you've done great eeking out your 'wedding' presence with your jewelry. keep up the good work.

      ah, questions for me.....well, i started the blog 'because i kept reading that it would be good for my shop' and being the marketing gal that i am, it rang true.. but that has become the least of it. the best thing is connecting with women (not to diss any of you men), of all ages. we are so powerful when we work together. this makes me really happy.

  10. YaY! Celebrating Fall, amazing. I love everything that is shared this week, Pam, Looks great.
    its a beautiful fall day here in BC. Shiny and Bright with crisp cool air.
    Sandy @ Cottagy

    1. Hey sandy, still in bc, eh?

      oh yes, isn't that it,exactly....bright, crisp, cool! love having the windows open and night and letting that air in!

  11. hahaha, I love those two with the false front teeth!

    1. isnt' that fab? 'hey, I HAVE a flipper TOO!"

      that video made me smile and cry at the same time.

  12. Thanks for inviting me to this ... I just recently discovered link up parties

    I am a stay at home , homeschooling, homebirthing ,homesteading , mom ... Our 7th was just born 2 months ago :) so i do manage to say quite busy ... we live in IN now , but i am a city girl at heart , i lived most of my life in FL , close to everything including the beaches ...I love fall , but not looking forward to winter :(

    I really enjoyed reading the previous comments :)

    May you all have a great week

    1. Hi Heather! welcome to the muse. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'I manage to stay quite busy'. Ya think? 7th? hello? remember to breathe girl.

      I too am a beach girl and I'd find it awfully hard to not be within a short drive when I want to smell salt air.

      winter: we just watched fargo (love that movie). you'll get through winter just fine. one day at a time! snow is FUN!

    2. Lots of crocheting in the evenings curled up under a blanket ... that is my idea of a great winter :) .. the kiddos are happy to get in a few movies and wii time too ... the summer days are filled with gardening , and lots of out door activites ... so the wii is the "winter p.e." lol

    3. Hey heather, i wish i'd stayed with knitting when my gram taught me on many occasions. my mom crochets, a LOT, but i've never learned that. it sounds like a good thing to do curled up and cozy.

      the only wii i've done is bowling with friends and it's a hoot

  13. I loved the video of the ball pit, what a great idea! I stop by the party here whenever I get the chance. All the listings are wonderful and interesting. I visit most of them and "like" something in the shop. So many creative people out there. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to connect!

    1. Hi diane, thanks for swinging by the party.

      I agree, always so many things to discover at the party. Thanks so much for visiting the other shops. That's awesome!

      here's a 'ball pit' question for you, What's your favorite Dylan song? btw, in case you missed it, Dylan was my freeform friday last week!

  14. Thanks so much for the invitation. It is hard to think it is Fall here in middle Tennessee with temperatures in the 80's today. A cold front id sue to come through tonight and bring some changes. After living for 28 years in Buffalo, NY, the weather here always seems balmy to me by comparison. I will stop back again later. I have shared through most of the social media that I am connected to and will hit the others tomorrow. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Rocking. Hey, did you see that it snowed in Buffalo last night? No kidding. I think that's pushing it just a bit!

  15. I didn't know that it snowed! I do remember putting Halloween costumes over snowsuits when I lived there. I will have to call my daughter tomorrow. She lives south of Buffalo in what is lovingly called the "snow belt." Her boys are 2 and 4 and love the snow. Her little girl was born in August so it will be another year before she gets excited about snow.

  16. Such neat stuff! I'm still pretty new to the idea of Etsy link ups but I love this so far! Thanks for the invite :)

    1. Hi glad you stopped by. There's always a great variety of things left behind at these link ups (every other week on thursdays btw).

      Love you art!

      have a great saturday,

  17. Hey! I'm late to the party!!! I feel like I'm a fallin' in the door, a little worse from wear, with a bit of smudged eyeliner and maybe my hair is a bit askew ... oh, and i think I have a ladder in my tights! But, hey, I'm ready to PAHHHHH-TEEEEE!

    1. your welcome! Just spotted my typo....'worse for wear' ...but 'worse from wear' sort of works too!

  18. Hi Pam! It's been a busy week, so I'm a little late, but I still wanted to thank you for including my shop in your party roundup! What a terrific idea. And such lovely items and beautiful background music. ;)

    Well, I'm a 24-year-old, state-workin' design nerd (it makes me faint at heart). I love to hunt for treasures on the weekend and send them around the globe... being connected to others who have a similar passion for vintage and the handmade is really important to me.

    Libby of Follow Me Vintage

    1. Hi Libby!

      more than welcome! I'm with you, i LOVE hunting for treasures. AND connecting with like-minded people all over the world. ton of fun. so glad you stopped by!

  19. I linked up one of my Halloween headbands. It's a gloomy night in Baltimore (go Orioles!) so it's hard to feel like being in the fall spirit, but the selection of cool items you put together are beautiful, including that vintage drink set mix. Thanks for letting me link up :) Time to go check out some of the other linked up shops!

    1. it's chilly here in new hampshire.

      good luck to your Orioles but first they have to get by my Yanks! LOL! nothing like fall baseball, when it's up to the teams who have worked their butts of to still be in it!

      thanks Liz for stopping by to link up. I'm off to have a look at your shop :)

  20. Thank you so much for this opportunity!!!



You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam

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