Friday, August 17, 2012

Country Livin' and Sky High

via Corrine Douglas

Well What? 

You know you live in the country when you have to learn to be a 'jack of all trades'. Literally. This is especially true if you own your own home in the country.  I know some of you are nodding your heads.

Due to the hose incident (which you can read about here), we hadn't had water in a couple of days. The water has recharged itself in the well, but the pump didn't want to cooperate. Not much use having water in the well if you can't pump it to the house, right? So the G-man spent the day in the well, working on the pump. Actually, first he hung upside down into the well for a good while untile neighborhoodlum Tom came over with his tractor and took the house off the well so they could have more room. 

Ugh. My poor little pump house.

THEN Gar spent the rest of the day IN the well while he, Tom and Fred troubleshooted what in the dangnabbit was wrong with the pump.

Did I say this went on ALL day? I don't mean to be repetitive.

You see the pump would run and work getting water to the house, but it wouldn't shut off. Finally, they decided that the switch was gone. Off to Home Depot for a new switch, back to install it and, run, run.


Yup. Really. This was not making any of too happy. In fact, I was far from happy.  They were far from happy.

Neighborhoodlum Gerry had just gotten home from work and they called him to see if he had a gauge. They wanted to measure the water pressure so see if they'd missed a leak or something else during the replumbing and switch install that was causing low pressure. Then, just as Gerry was walking over with the gauge, it stopped. It did what it was supposed to. 

Life really would have been 'crap' if we'd been out of beer for these guys after that nightmare of a fix.  Luckily we have the best neighbors in the world who are always here to help.

So after it finally 'did what it was supposed to we held our collective breath, did the snoopy dance, then breathed a sigh of relief. Though it does seem that the pump is still not cycling 'quite' right, it is in fact doing it's thing. This makes me incredibly happy. Thank you men. Hello water. Hello flushing the toilet without having to fill up the cystern with water. Thank you men.

This morning Garrett is off to the plumbing store for a new foot valve. What? You don't know what a foot valve is? Well, he's getting a new one and we're hoping that will fix the 'not quite right cycle' issue. Fingers crossed. Then perhaps the house can go back over the well.

How's your week been?

Photo Challenge Day 10: Sky High

What a great photo challenge this has been. Fantastic submissions, super sweet people particpating (if you want to be one, read this), a chance to get to know each other better. These were a bright spot coming into my inbox the last day. Thanks for that.

Take a moment, step outside, direct your eyes skyward. 

The signs are everywhere.

Take it all in.

'spectacular spectacular', via Karen at Bridgit's Bell

You never know what you might come across.

One red balloon.  Not 99.

'the one that got away', via Ashley at Papyrusaurus

One tall tree. Not 99.  I know there is not song about 99 tall trees, but I thought I'd throw that in there anyway.

via Corinne Douglas

Maybe there should be a song about 99 trees.

via Corinne Douglas

Guess where the next one was taken. Go on.....guess.

'East Meets West', via Emma at My Boju Life

What's not to love about exploring tidal pools with blue sky above?

One of my favorite spots in the world. FYI, just bhind that tall building in the front is Wall Street. I hear it's a pretty happenin' place.

'tall ships, tall buildings', via Pam at Mercantile Muse

Yesterday ended better than it began.

'nothing but blue skies', via Pam at Mercantile Muse

Two more challenges left. If you're participating in the next, 'landscape', you'll need to get me your submission by end of day Sunday. 

What's hot for the weekend gang?  Our Dublin family Part Two arrives this evening. We will be spending time chillin' with our peeps. Pool time today for sure as it's supposed to be in the mid 90s. Tomorrow looks like rain, not a bad thing for the well and I know my nieces will be able to think of something (read shopping) to do.

Freeform Friday

I found this video last weekend while youtubing. It was a one thing leads to another discovery. It makes me happy. Even though I have no idea what they're singing, it makes me happy. O Rappa is from Brazil and they have a new fan. What I really love is the way everyone is singing along, and not just to the chorus, but to the entire song.  It's got a perfectly wonderful, lazy summer feeling to it and that's my wish for you this weekend.  Click here if you're reading the Muse by email.

Peace out,


  1. Corinne came here via me. I'm so glad to see she joined!!

  2. Great photos!! Glad you were able to deal with the pump issue. Country living is a challenge sometimes, but I miss it.

    1. Everywhere has challenges...just different ones, right?

  3. I love the idea of you all doing the snoopy happy dance when the pump was fixed!

  4. Replies
    1. Happy happy happy. The guys were very persistent.

  5. Love these photos, as always. I can sympathize with the pump thing. We had to replace one last year, a very expensive item, I might add! Hope yours keeps up doing it's thing. :)

    1. This one is only three years old but had been running funky for awhile. So glad they found all the right fixes.

  6. Oh wow...what a time with that well! I am appreciating my city life today, while giving a nod of respect to you country living peeps! We have to get a new HVAC system but at least someone else comes to install it! Hope you are cool in the pool and flushing freely! :)

    1. They certainly did have a.time. In fact g spent good part of sat in well again but he made all the right tweaks. And yes we most definitely enjoyed some pool time


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