Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

The Back 40

As predicted, we spent the entire weekend working in the yard. We finished planting the vegetable garden. Finally. We raked and shoveled and hauled our butts off. We may have been able to finish the weedwhacking had the weedwhackers been more cooperative. We finally gave up when one was on the charger and the other (yes, the other) ran out of string.

That was the end of the day yesterday. We were toast.

I hit the pool while Gar chilled on the back steps.  He started to go downhill and now officially has a summer cold.  Bummer.

Here's a little peek at our weekend.

Hope you enjoyed your weekends. You guys had lots of different stuff going on from junking and laundry, to organizing and skateboard parks. Throw in our yardwork and I'd say we all accomplished quite a bit this weekend. Plans for the week are: get the work on my desk done so I can take three days off and enjoy them thoroughly; 4th of July groceries; finish weedwhacking (ha!); a tiny bit more yardwork; maybe burgers on the grill tonight. What about you?

To all my friends north of the border, I hope you enjoyed a fabulous Canada Day!

Ciao for now,

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