Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Celebration Continues, That's The Way We Roll

More Birthday Fun for Gar

I know, you never would have guessed, but we continued Garrett's birthday celebration last night at my parent's house. Yes, there was cheese and crackers, a Guinness or two and the celebratory big honkin' shrimp (forgot to get a picture of those babies).

Sister Di stopped by with Sophia, her granddaughter and our grand niece.  The child is a dancing fool. It was hard to get a picture of her because she never stopped moving.  Here she is in front of Great Grammy.

She was squinchin' down to talk to Maxie (the family mascot terrier statue, in honor of the real Maxie who was a good old dog), when Great Grampy held out the moose. Well that was all she needed to see. She had Great Grampy make the moose (which is probably a reindeer, but looks more like a moose) sing 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer' over and over again. She can't help but dance when the silly moose starts singing.

Nephews Jeff and Pat popped in too. We are currently waiting in anticipation of Pat's holiday batch of brew to be finished.  He's becoming quite the home brewer.

Then we had to take the 'official' birthday pictures to go in the albums Mom/Marge makes for each of us every Christmas.  I will preface this picture with 'I think I need more than my yoga mat at this point'.

Then Gar and 'Mrs. D'.

One quick one of Gar and 'Mr. D'. He was on the phone with brother Michael who was bumming about missing the shrimp. C'est la vie.

All in all, Gar had a very nice birthday. Thank you all for the well wishes. He thought that was super nice.

The Coveted Creche

My mother made the family creche set years ago now, in ceramics class. The set has to be about 40 years old.

I love it. We all love it. It's gorgeous and my pictures don't do it justice. So simple and elegant, yet lots of detail.  It sits in the dry sink that my father made. Fits perfectly, like he made the dry sink for it, even though he didn't.

Ah yes, the other birthday boy. Baby Jesus. Let's not forget him.

The creche set I have in our home isn't anything close to my Mother's. It's tiny, but at least it's got all the necessary components.....jesus, mary, joseph, the wise men and the angel.  Personally, I like that my Mother's has everything including the shepards, donkeys, sheep, and even two big camels.

Do you have a cherished creche? One that someone in your family made or that holds special meaning?

Baby Jesus sits behind my manger until I get home from our family's Christmas Eve festivities. Just in time for his birthday.

Sunset Meadows

It was a very pretty sunset last night. It was pretty quick too, which is not the norm. Luckily I caught it before it went down completely.

Have a fantastic Tuesday in your part of the world.  Do be sure to stop back tomorrow for the start of our next shop and blog link up.....promote your shop or blog if you have one, find Christmas presents or do a little window shopping. I'll also have a new free holiday printable for you.

Until then, be well-

1 comment:

  1. can i add cows to the list of the beast of burdens that are part of my mother's creche? how'd I forget them?


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