
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What Inspires You Wednesday: Back To Garden, so to speak

Flowers, Weeds & Wellies

I wish I could find more time to be in my flower gardens. Even though weeding is a ton of work that is always ongoing, there is something meditative about it. The quiet of the garden, taking notice of the small things, time to think or just be present.

I've dubbed my corner garden Wild Thing. I am currently working in the front bed, which can see a bit of here- it's just beyond the weeds that have taken over my walkway (if you were to turn around an look the other way, you'd know instantly why I call it wild thing. It's a jungle. I kid you not). I'm not sure why, but in the front bed, I can grow grass like a golf course landscaper. In my lawn? Not a hope. The flower garden, absolutely!  So, I just peck away at the grass and the weeds.  15 minutes here and there if I take a break from my desk and walk around the yard with the hound. An hour there, if I get a chance at the end of the day. Hours upon hours if I take a day on the weekend. See what I mean about never done?

I'm OK with that though. It's just enjoyable to be digging in the dirt at this time of year.

Today, the garden is inspiring me.  The resilience of the flowers after a hard winter. The resilience of weeds, no matter what. Noticing the little things, like the small toad that keeps hopping about this flower bed every time I'm in it weeding.  The transplanted peonies that don't look any worse for wear. Getting my hands dirty. The flowers that are ready to pop any day. The colors. The smell. It's all inspiring.

Add to my time in the garden, the fact that I came across these wellies that are calling my name. So much so that I just had to paint them because, they're all about 'what's to come' in the garden.


"Yes, wellies?"

"I know."

What's inspiring you today?

CREATE Challenge no.1- LAST DAY!

OK, the time is nigh.

This is it.

Hopefully those who said they wanted to participate are reading today, because tomorrow I will be posting my results and others, for CREATE challenge no. 1. Even if it's just lil' ol' me.

If you're in, shoot me a pic (QUICK) of your project so I can include it, okee dokee?

Right then.  I'm off to take care of the many tasks at hand which include logo revisions and printing, packaging and shipping. Another busy day.
What's happening in your world?

Whatever is happening, rock it like Mick and the boys.

Ciao for now,



  1. Love the talking wellies! I really wanted to create something and participate in the challenge. But for some reason, I couldn't manage to create anything. I think I've been having some time management issues lately. I am looking forward to see the wonderful creations and hope to join in on the fun next time.

    1. Ha! I thought after, perhaps I should have had a conversation balloon over the watercolor. :) no worries. we're all maxed on time. just a fun little no pressure time my dear!

  2. I agree with the wellies. and I didn't get my creating done this week either. between homeschool and church and getting ready for our upcoming yard sale and vacation....well....just no extra time. but this is the last week for school, then yea for summer!

    1. Seriously, wouldn't a rainy day be that much better with those wellies on?

  3. Love that wellies picture! I don't own a pair, it's so hot here in the desert I wear my flip flops to garden. I am a terrible creator of things, but love your challenge. My creations end up looking kind of sad or half completed because I couldn't figure out how to complete it. Let me see if I can come up with something to create and share with you in the future!

    1. Hi Jen! well, I am a flip flop girl too, sometimes to garden and sometimes to get through 'mud season' which comes right after the snow melts. Or on a lovely spring day that's raining like mad like today. I LOVE wellies! I have an entire closet full if I could. If you're working in a garden you're creating..........helping along beautiful flowers or delicious veg!!


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