
Friday, June 27, 2014

Freeform Friday: Feed Your Soul Replay

This Time Last Year

 It's fun to go back and see what I was doing a year ago.  Come to find out, my mother and I had taken a day to enjoy the beauty of Fuller Gardens. Trust me, you don't want to miss these flowers and the beauty of the gardens. I do remember was hotter than hell. Just shy of 100 degrees. And we even went through the greenhouse! What are we nuts? Check out our visit here

Lately, I've been feeding my soul by painting with watercolors. Not enough in the last couple of weeks, but I did paint something for my niece's baby shower last weekend. Something for the nursery which will soon welcome her and her husband's first baby. 

It's something I say, usually as an inscription in a book for baby, when a new little one arrives. This one for my great niece-to-be, Olivia.

I wish I'd taken a picture of it in the frame, because it looked very nice.

It's always nice to give something you made to someone you love for a special occasion, don't you think? What's the last thing you made for someone?

Freeform Friday

I've never heard of Xavier Rudd, but my friend down under- Andrea of Strong Southerly was kind enough to introduce us. This song is beautiful..........and the video has some incredible nature imagery. It makes me feel good. Enjoy. Click here if you're reading via email.

No big plans this weekend other than getting ourselves ready for our big annual Independence Day Lobster Bake! Oh and pool time for sure.

Be well my friends and have a great weekend.

Ciao for now,


  1. Such a lovely watercolor illustration and a such a sweet of you! I bet your niece will be enjoy to see it for many years to come:) I look back for your garden photos and flowers - it is so pretty amazing! Thank you for visiting me today:) xx, Lana

    1. well coming from you, that's a high compliment since you're watercolors are gorgeous. Oh fuller gardens is beautiful. A well to do citizen and former governor (if I remember correctly) started them on their property years ago now with the intent to open them to the public. rose after rose after rose. If I can squeeze out any time in the next week or two, the roses are amazing right now!

  2. Glad you like the song. It has been my happy tune this week x

    1. it IS a happy song. feels good from inside out.

  3. Great creation Pam! I bet it will be a real eyecatcher in Olivia's room. And isn't it wonderful to discover new things through blogging? One of the things I like most is seeing new places, discovering new artists and hearing beautiful songs.

    1. LOVE that about blogging. And even the imagery in the video was just beautiful. Thanks Marieken.

  4. Beautiful print! And yes, it's so nice to give away something you made to someone special.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Your watercolour piece is so beautiful. Hope you had a relaxing and sunny weekend, darling. Kisses.

    1. Thanks Diana! it's fun creating a present like that. hope all is well.

  6. beautiful painting....for some reason you disappeared from my bloglovin and I wasn't receiving emails anymore. I realized last night that I was missing you, so I had to go google searching....for some muse. :0)

  7. Where have you been lady?! I miss you around the blog world!! xoxox ~Ashley


You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam