
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lilac Dreams

My Favorite Flower

I wait in anticipation each May. For all the snow, the cold, the winter that wouldn't give up- the lilacs are actually right no time this year. Lilacs being my absolute favorite flower, this time of year when they put on their show, makes me very happy.

There are huge lilac bushes (taller than the house) of purple and white right outside our bedroom window. Their intoxicating scent drifts in day and night and whispers through my dreams.


When I step outside to pick them so I can fill just about every vase in our house (and that's a lot of vases), I can't help but put my nose right into a blossom and inhale their most heavenly scent.

What a glorious gift.

One vase down. Many more to go.

I'll have to try my hand at painting lilacs during my watercolor time, to add to the other flowers I've been painting like yesterday's 'creative cuppa' (it's what I call my 'paint with morning tea' projects on instagram).

Here's wishing you a perfectly wonderful day, but that you know my favorite flower, what's your?

Ciao for now,

PS- Did you know that if you pick one little bloom off a lilac, and suck it from the bottom you get the tiniest burst of sweetness?


  1. I enjoy wildflowers of all kinds. they are so easy to care for...but you can't beat roses and lilacs for the aroma.

    1. yes to wildflowers! I let the queen anne's lace and the milkweed and the pokeweed, that seeds itself in my yard to just GROW! so pretty.

  2. Those lilacs are beautiful! I love all the flowers this time of year :)

    1. yes, things are really starting to bloom right now. the rain we've had over the last week made the lilacs shorther lived than I like, but I did clip a bunch yesterday and bring them in! thanks for stopping by holly

  3. Im a big likac fan. I always get a kick out of white lilacs...cos they arent lilac. Silly I know, but it makes me giggle. Im loving deeing your water colours. Very sweet.

  4. I love peonies and ranunculus, and your lilacs are gorgeous, must be a delight looking out your window!


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