
Thursday, May 29, 2014

CREATE: Challenge it one more week!

New Reveal Date

Hi gang. Today was supposed to be the day that I revealed CREATE challenge no. 1

I'm done with mine, but know that others have been pressed for time, have been sick, just found out about it, etc. so I'm extending the challenge one week. Next Thursday it is. So, now that you have another week I hope you'll consider joining in the challenge.


I'm sure like many of you, I was saddened to hear of the passing of Maya Angelou yesterday.  She was a gift to all of us, if we listened close enough to her wisdom. She lived an extraordinary life and we were lucky that she shared a lot of it with us. She was witty, and intelligent, and humble, and talented, and beautiful, and so many other things all wrapped up in one.

Maya was rather magnificent in my opinion and I will miss her. If only they made more women, people like her, the world would be a better place.

Rest in peace Ms. Angelou. Know that you made a difference.

Make it a great day, won't you? It's the only day we've got.

Ciao for now,


  1. another week? sheewww, thank you. :0)

    1. ha!!
      well I heard from a few people and figured there were more in the same boat.
      Glad I've got mine done.......guess it means smooth sailing for me for the next week.....;) if only!

  2. I might have some works in progress....have about 5 paintings on the go....some small ones nearly finished.


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