
Monday, April 21, 2014

Wrap It Up: Easter Weekend

A Quick Glimpse

What a great weekend. Never long enough though, are they? It was however, jam packed to perfection.


I listed a new OOAK Premade logo, loving hands, in the shop on Friday.

We had a sunset ride through Exeter, the next town over, on our way to our friends', Ralph and Cathryn, house for dinner Friday night.

Ralphie made us delicious baked fresh haddock he caught that day, and he and Cathryn sent us home with leftovers and fresh haddock fillets. Yes please, and thank you.

We spent time out in the sunshine on Saturday, starting spring clean up which involves an unbelievable amount of raking. More to come at the end of so on and so on and so on. The before looks so sad, I will be happy when I can show you the after, but it will be awhile. G said to me, 'this will take us a good week of nonstop work just to get the yard raked'. I said, 'I know, let's not talk about it, let's just do. It will be less painful'.

I was going to go for a walk at the beach yesterday morning, but I felt like doing a little creating away from my desk. So instead, I sat out back in the sunshine and did a little sketching and watercolor doodling.

We enjoyed a very bountiful Easter dinner at sister Di and brother in law Al's followed closely by the Egg Hunt. 

It was so nice to have some time away from the computer to recharge. A full week would be super special, but for now, I'll take what I can get. It's been a long time since I stayed away from the computer and work the entire weekend. Can you say 'aaaaahhhhh'?

How was your weekend? Was it relaxing? Was it go go go busy? Was it filled to the brim with friends, family and food?

The sun is shining today on this Patriots' Day/ Marathon Monday. I hope and pray for an uneventful race for all those running and watching from the sidelines in Boston today. There are so many people running to raise money for various causes, and so many running in memory of those we lost last year as well as the survivors. I wish them the strength to finish strong!

Make it a great day, it's a great day to have.

Ciao for now,


  1. Mmm... fish sounds really good! Especially if someone else makes it! :) I had a good mix of busy, outside time, and relaxing this weekend. Loved my away from the computer time. Rock on with your watercoloring!

    1. being the seafood afficianado that I am, I can honestly say....that haddock rocked! your weekend sounds perfect. Glad you got away from the computer too. It's simply necessary. You can't do what needs to be done if you don't get a little downtime,unplugged every once in awhile Allison

  2. Your weekend sounds great!!! I was really really tired on Saturday and I think I slept most of the day. But, on Sunday we went out for a walk around the downtown area and enjoyed some fresh air. It was really nice. Definitely going to enjoy more outdoors time since I'm done with teaching.

    1. You know what.......I feel back asleep until 9:30. That was the latest in awhile.Though I would have been happy with later. Nothing like a little walk in the fresh air to make you feel recharged. Been loving all your pictures A!

  3. It seems you had a great Easter weekend! :) in Italy we had a rainy Saturday, Sunday better and yesterday definitely sunny {in the end!} :) we enjoyed lunch at our sister-in-law's, no eggs hunt though ;) I did few calligraphy, but relaxing was not bad at all! I can't wait to see your watercolor turning into logos or similar!
    Ciao from Rome xoxo

    1. Cecilia, What a pretty spot at your sister-in-laws and isn't it nice when someone else does the cooking? I don't care what they make- a bologona sandwich would be fine! Glad you got some creating time in. Bummer about the rain. Good way to combat it,.

  4. The fish looks good! I can imagine it tasted delicious.

    1. Wilma, we are so lucky to live in area with amazing seafood. Of course, it helps when your friend has been a fisherman since highschool and is very nice about sharing.

  5. Oh, fresh fish! It's lunchtime about now, so it's extra-mouthwatering now! Looks like a good weekend!

    1. I taunt you with fresh fish, you taunt me with giant french fries............I'd say we're even.

  6. I don't there is a fish I've met that I didn't like. Kind of like cheese. I love the stuff.

  7. looks like you had a great weekend. the pollen down here has been AWFUL but we buggered thru it and worked outside (I love spring) and then my daughter hosted Easter dinner, so I got to relax as a guest. it was loverly. :0)

    1. Oh yes, the pollen has arrived. Though it hasn't been great, I've only had to take zyrtec once so far but that said......we're behind you with everything popping out. It will soon change. How nice to be a guest....same as us! such a treat.

  8. Sounds like you had a great Easter weekend, sweetie. We had a blast as well...Very relaxing, tons of food, friends and family. Have a great day, lovely.

    1. It was very nice, relaxing at times, felt good to get out in the sunshine and air and get to work though too. Glad you got to relax with family and friends and hope you and B got to celebrate your anniversary in a special way.


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