
Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Would You Do If.................................................

Hopes & Dreams

Just one BIG question for you today my dear friends around the world..............

What say you?



Go first?


Just a few.....

* I would apply to go to Ideas Island (thanks for making my mind wander to this beautiful spot Diana). Sure, it's free, but I'm a one girl show in my office and if I'm not here, know.

* I'd create an awesome creative camp.  A gathering of creatives a few times a year, with   
classes led by incredibly talented people from all walks of life and who are skilled at a broad range
of mediums and art. Full scholarships would be available for those who want to come to camp,
but aren't in a position financially.

* I would launch my own brand of paper products and more. (Note: in the works, but I need more    
hours in the day)

* I'd overhaul this little 'ol blog and make it something to be reckoned with on a grand scale.

* I'd travel somewhere with G that we'd never traveled before and barely dared to dream of, like  
Argentina. First, Buenes Aires to learn the Tango and then off to Patagonia, to a beach at the end of
the world.

* We'd go back to Rome and travel throughout Italy, extensively. To our hearts content and maybe       find a run down trullo to restore.

*  I'd learn to surf, preferably somewhere like Maui. I'm not big on learning new things in front of    
people- fear of embarrassment perhaps? I love the water and I think surfing is probably a blast.

* We'd start some sort of foundation to help people or animals and spread happiness in some way. It 
would make a difference in a least a few lives. A big difference.

* I'd learn to ride a horse. (I've only ever been on a pony and that was eons ago when I was a kid).

Boy, I could think things up all day, but gotta save some for next time.

Your turn.

Enjoy the day.

Ciao for now,


  1. Though question. Definitely something with travelling and exploring new places. And learning something. I did a Spanish course in Spain, I would love to do that again!
    Creative camp sounds like fun! Maybe it could be combined with a culinary camp :-)

    1. what an awesome idea! creative/culinary camp!!! awesome. Really, a spanish course IN Spain? very cool. I need to hear more. That is one way to learn a language!

    2. I'm coming to that camp!! :) food and Art=heaven

    3. I did a month long language course a couple of yeard ago in Salamanca, Spain, which is a beautiful city. I forgot most of the language learned, because I never get to speak Spanish over here. I also loved the Spanish lifestyle, and the food ofcourse. After Salamanca I visited Madrid with my mom, who came to pick me up in Spain. If you ever get the chance, Madrid is such a wonderful city, with amazing museums!

    4. I think that sounds so awesome. Immerse yourself in a culture, learn a language. I'd love to go to Spain, I think it looks absolutely wonderful, including Madrid!

  2. I'm copying you with my own post on this. I need to dream a bit today.

  3. I love this! I might copy it, too. :-)

    Let's see... I'd definitely do some more traveling with my husband, and we've talked about how much fun it would be to restore an old house so that's on the list, too. If money really just grew on trees in this scenario, then I'd do some kind of pro-bono design work for families who need a little boost, whether they're military, have a sick child, whatever.

    1. funny how traveling seems to be a recurring theme ......

      yes, restore and old house...that's on mine too. a trullo is a this neat conical abode in the area of italy where my gramps is from. crazy cool.

      love your probono idea! we could change the world!

  4. I would start that brick and mortar shop with my daughter. Her half full of the printing equipment she's dreaming about, custom cards, wedding, and graphics. My half full of crafting supplies and a place for me to host classes and share my love of creating.
    (oh, and a few maids and cooks to take care of the domestic side of life while Amanda and I play. lol)

    1. love it...........a few maids and cooks to take care of the domestic side! a girl must have time to play!

  5. That's one big ol' question! First of all, I'd want to come to your camp. :) Though it probably wouldn't be first on the list, I immediately thought of swimming with sharks. I've always wanted to do that but it would probably be pricey, AND I have a bit of claustrophobia about the breathing apparatus.

    1. yeah, i know. sharks? are you serious? holy sh*t. ole i.b. is crazier than I knew!

    2. ps- I think I'd have a little claustrophobia problem with the apparatus too. oh yeah, and a fear really large mega sharp teeth coming at me. that too.

  6. I love this post, what a great question! I ask myself this question all the time, now I just have to put some of those ideas into action.
    Everyday Inspired

    1. Ah.........wait until you see tomorrow's post!


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