
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What Inspires You Wednesday: Strength

You Are Enough

As I mentioned yesterday, I had coverage of the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings on in the background yesterday while working away in the studio.

Here's the thing: I had to get up several times as they interviewed survivors because what they had to say was incredibly inspiring. Whether it was something like, "I may have lost my leg, but I kept my walk-up apartment because I love it. It's my home" or, "Getting up to walk was quite emotional because I hadn't even stood in such a long time.  I knew I wanted to and would dance again" or  or "I want to go to the marathon to see the people running just like I used to do. To be a part of that awesome atmosphere again. I know until I do that I won't be able to put this all behind me". I may not have the words quite right, but the common sentiment shines through.

What this group of survivors has is strength. They may not always believe they do, but they have showed the world that they are enough to face whatever comes their way.

When I checked my instagram feed this morning, this popped up from Natalia Benson, a jewelry designer/tarot card reader/DJ (talk about variety....).  Her tarot card for the day yesterday just happened to be 'strength'.

Natalia wrote this: "We are such complex and powerful beings: our solar energy (conscious mind) when united with our lunar energy (unconscious mind) is self empowering - we no longer act from sheer impulse or panic of pain from the past- strength is trusting that the totality of what and who we are is enough, we know what to do and we are so capable of everything we set our mind to".

Interesting that her random tarot pick coincided with the first anniversary of the bombings and more importantly with the stories of the survivors. 

A true depiction of strength were the Norden brothers, JP and Paul, each of whom lost a leg and who chose to walk the marathon route yesterday simply because "Our supporters had walked the route shortly after we were injured and we knew with their support, we could do", and they did.  The brothers, along with family and friends started their trek in the morning, followed closely by a trolley so they could take breaks.  In the end, they crossed the finish line around 6:30 pm and the pair had walked more than 7 miles of the 26.  I'd say they exhibited enormous strength.

Here's a video of JP and Paul, their mother Liz and their entire group crossing the finish line. I might have been in my living room, but I assure you I cheered them on.  If you think you can't do something, I suggest you watch this and remind yourself that you are enough, that you can do whatever you set your mind to. 

Strength. That's what is inspiring me on this Wednesday. What's inspiring you?

Ciao for now,



  1. Wow. Thanks for sharing these - even the paraphrasing is so inspiring! Love that kind of stuff. Makes me wish I'd had the TV on yesterday!

    1. honestly, the survivors, responders, the people who just happened to be there and help, - amazing!

  2. Replies
    1. each of the survivors has been amazing in their candor and accomplishments. as a whole, they've found others who know what they're going through, and can support them. they are heroes, each and every one.

  3. Replies
    1. thanks Mary Lynn! You would have to really try hard, not to be inspired by this group of people.


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