
Monday, April 7, 2014

A Good Start To The Week: I'm A Winner. No Kidding.

This Usually Doesn't Happen To Me

That is to say, I'm not usually the winner in this house. It's usually the 'Luck Of The Irish' lad. I mean, he even won a trip to Dublin for St. Patrick's Day one year and we got to surprise his family! I did win a trip to Florida once so I guess I can't complain (really I can't), but if we're doing the math, G wins things way more often than me. Scratch tickets? I'm not sure why Santa even brings them to me in my stocking. I'm lucky if I win a buck.  G? Another story completely. In fact, I usually make him scratch some of mine because I know if anyone is going to scratch a winner, it's him.  OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. I did also win on Kentucky Derby Day a couple of years ago, but still, bar that and the Florida win, mine are few and far between.

However..............this morning I started my day with an email from the lovely Diana over at exPress-o, notifying me that I'd won the giveaway she had on her blog last week. I won a beautiful custom stamped bangle/cuff bracelet from SimaG Jewelry. Woohoo.......lucky me!

Say What You Want To Say ---The price is for ONE ---up to 20 lowercase letters - -Say Anything On YOUR cuff---Custom  By SimaG 

Awesome Dawson!

I won, I won, I won, I won..........doing my own little snoopy dance over here.

Now for the even funner part, I get to decided what to have stamped on my bracelet. Oh, as you can see from the above image, the possibilities are endless, even with just 20 letters max.

At the top of the running for me are: 

- live, love, laugh
- be happy
- peace

Well, what's your vote? Which of the three above would you choose. Which do you think 'I' will choose? And if you were choosing for yourself, what would you put on a bracelet from SimaG?

Many thanks to Diana at ExPress-o for hosting the giveaway and to SimaG Jewelry for sponsoring.  I don't know if I've told you this, but I'm a bracelet kind of gal.

So, how was your weekend? Ours was good. A little trans-Atlantic Skyping with my best frined Tina on Friday. Saturday, I watched some hockey (we won!) and a movie or two. Yesterday we ended our day with a cocktail and some cheese and crackers with the neighborhoodlums.  And, as you can see, my week has started off with a bang! What's happening in your world?

Ciao for now,


  1. live love laugh....that is YOU. :0)

  2. Congrats my friend!!! These are brilliant ... checked out the shop and they are reasonably priced too!!! Hugs and Blessings, C.

    1. pretty, yes? i sure lucked out. hope all is well Celia!

  3. Congrats! And a weekend with cocktails and cheese sounds perfect to me ;-)

  4. I vote OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!

    Meanwhile, my winning streak is confined to one streak the same year I met my guy...I won at one meat raffle: 2 meat trays, one vegie tray, one fruit tray, two christmas hams, a slab of beer AND that big TV. I also won about a month prior to that, the 'signed jersey captain of the Australian Rugby Team (from about a decade ago). And that is all i have ever won.

    Congrats on your win. Good feeling hey!!

    1. I don't know why I didn't pick up on 'outrageous' in the stack. very ME. I'm just going to say, Meat, beer and signed jersey from the rugby cap? not a bad haul.

  5. Aww....congrats again, sweetie and thank you for including Sima and exPress-o in your post:) I am so happy for you and you're such a sweetheart! Have a beautiful Tuesday. xoxo

    1. more than welcome Diana! and likewise, I'm sure. ;)

  6. Wow that is so great! I'd say you are pretty lucky too!

    Hm...I think I would pick 'be happy'. What did you go with?

    On the weekend we had taco night with neighbhorhoodlums too ;) Then fired up the bbq for the first time this year, made sausages and had beer to celebrate!

    1. I know the suspense is killing you........big reveal to follow when I receive the bracelet! I'm such a taunter.
      Ha! we fired up the BBQ for first time too, as it had been buried in snow. literally. Great nights in the neighborhoods I'd say! you MADE sausages? I need to hear more!


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