
Friday, March 21, 2014

FREE FRIDAY: I'm Happy, Are You?

World Happy Day

What? You didn't know that?

Today is World Happy Day?

Did you get bit by the bug?

As my part, I designed this happy little mini notebook cover free printable!

This free printabale mini notebook is about the easiest DIY out there. Check it out.

-Print off the 4 to a page notebook covers,preferably on card stock or whatever heavy weight paper your printer will take.

-Cut along the two light blue dashed lines that run up the middle vertically and horizontally. You will now have 4 covers.

-Fold each in half vertically.  Punch two holes along the center fold, one at each end (I simply put my hole puncher flush with edge of paper so holes would be evenly spaced).

-Do the same thing with some plain cardstock: fold in half vertically, fold in half horizontally and cut along those lines to make 4 pages.  Fold each page in half vertically.  Punch holes along center fold, making sure holes are in same spot as cover page.

-Stack plain paper together, and top with cover.

-Cut a piece of string, approximately twice the length of the notebook.

-Put string through holes, with both ends coming from same side. Tie a knot, clip off the extra string and viola!

A tiny little notebook to keep in your purse or your pocket.  Holla!

I hope you like it.

Happy World Happy Day!

Freeform Friday

What? You not happy? The bug hasn't bit you yet?

Well, get ready.  'Because I'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Because I'm happy clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth. Can't bring me down'.

Sing along and get happy.........the words are right there for you. And by all means, get up a dance and pump up the happy people!  Click here if you're reading via email.

There are so many places around the world joining World Happiness Day and putting their own twist on Pharrell Williams' hit song. I especially liked this one from the Bahamas. Two great dancers and it was shot in one take. Not easy.  Click here if you're reading via email.

So, what's hot for your weekend? We have absolutely no plans whatsoever. And that's OK with me. I'll be working on some design catch up, doing some laundry, a little cleaning, maybe some cooking.  Tonight I'm sure we'll just get HAPPY with a little youtube dancing and singing. Why not?

Make it a great day, because it's a great to have. Really and truly.

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam