
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What Inspires You Wednesday

Snow In Winter

There is something quite magical about how the landscape can change in the matter of hours in the Winter.  Yesterday, sunny blue skies and a field nearly bare of its Winter coat.  Today, snow falling fast, yet sofly. The world muffled and silent except for the sound of fine snow hitting what has already been laid on the ground.

It's quite peaceful.

There is something to take away from it, especially on a very busy day.  



Be mindful of what you are working on at that moment.

Keep your thoughts quiet so you can give full attention to what lays before you.

What is inspiring you today?

Ciao for now,


  1. I'm not a winter person, but your photos are stunning and evoke a magical feeling :)

    1. there is something magical about a snowstorm. I'll take it any day over a downpour. although.....a rainbow is always nice.

  2. I love those photos and yes, snow always makes everything seem so peaceful and calm:) This post made me feel so relaxed. Thank you:) xo

    1. Thanks of my favorite things about a snow storm, is the quiet that it brings. and of course the fresh coat of glistening white

  3. Such a contrast between your landscape and mine. Here we are surrounded by bamboo and tropical plants...and tropical rains and moulds and funghi and.....not snow.

    I'd trade it for snow. I would.

  4. Your photos are gorgeous! I like the quiet that comes with snow, but that is it! This winter has been awful...I am a naturally freezing person and I honestly would be happy never having to experience winter ever again. Give me sun any day!

    1. Thanks Amy.............LOL, I know what you mean. It has been a cold, snow winter. But I'd rather teh snow than those frigid temps.Can't say it's too warm out there today. 50+ days until spring!

  5. I have to say, we've had SO much snow that it's stopped being inspirational. I don't mind it as much when I'm looking out the back door and see it all untouched and looking like something out of a story, but I hate looking out the front windows and seeing the dirty slush all over the road. Sigh.


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