
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Take A Walk With Us: Winter

Around The Neighborhood

Put our walking shoes on and hit the road. Still quite cold and there is a good breeze, but the sun is shining and the sky is blue.  Bundle up and put one foot in front of the other.  We breathed in some fresh air and all was right with the world.

I love the way the sun illuminates the fur on the sumac branches.

Ah. Ready to get things done.

It was nice to get out and get some air. Although Monday was warm amidst the subzero arctic freeze, which was quite bizarre, I didn't get a chance to enjoy it so today's quick walk perfectly wonderful.

Have you had a chance to get out in nature and enjoy the season? I haven't quite as much as I'd like. I'm hoping to rectify that.

Ciao for now,

PS- If you're up for another walk or two with us and haven't read the first issue of the muse magazine yet, click here or you can view it right at the top of the sidebar.


  1. love the views in your neighborhood....I need to get out in mine more.

    1. we do love our 'hood. just a short jaunt but so nice to get out even for a short time.

  2. Happy New Year my friend! These photos are breath taking. Yes, getting out on a sunshine filled winter day is magic. The weather certainly is acting crazy --- we have had minus -40 C temps this week - and the weather people are calling for PLUS 9 on Saturday. Stay warm.. hugs, C. (HHL)

    1. hasn't it been just silly? nothing you can do about the weather though..........just grin and......well, you know. happy new year celia!

  3. You made some stunning pictures! The way you have captured those berries is gorgeous.

    1. the berries were right in our own yard on the way back. from a flowering dogwood bush. i'm surprised the birds don't eat them!

  4. I hope you are able to share some of the "amazing inventions" in future logs. Click here to learn more!!


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