
Monday, January 20, 2014

Take A Walk With Us: A Most Beautiful Snowfall

The Weathermen Missed This One

Who knew we were supposed to get a measurable snowfall on Saturday? Not I. Not the weathermen either.  They didn't see this one coming at all.

It started out with big honkin' flakes. I'm talking huge.  The kind that usually only last for about 15 minutes before changing to smaller, finer snow. Well, Saturday's snow had something else in mind. The huge flakes continued coming down for about 4 hours and never really changed.  It was also  wet, which if you live anywhere you get snow, means it sticks. It sticks to everything. Every branch of every tree and then some, making for the most glorious of winter wonderlands.

I headed over to the the sunset meadows field with camera in tow, in the midst of the snow. It was quiet. The world was silently muffled by snow. 

By the time it was all said and done we had 7 inches or so (give or take an inch).  I think the forecast had called for a trace dusting, if even that.  I, for one, was glad they were wrong.  This snow was exactly what I love about winter. There was no denying the beauty.

The next day everything was covered in a fresh coat of white.  Absolutely breathtaking.

I hope that your weekend was just as beautiful.

On this MLK Day, let's remember the biggest and most important lesson that Dr. King taught was to love our fellow man.

"I have decided to stick to love… Hate is too great a burden to bear."  
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Enjoy the day all that is around you.

Ciao for now,


  1. Wow, what an amazing collection of photos!!!
    As a Midwesterner most of my life you would think I would be used to snow, but this year we have had an amazing amount of snow and I am kind of ready for Spring already. Maybe If I had the view you have I would enjoy the beauty of the snow more.
    Everyday Inspired

  2. GORGEOUS! :) Love those images! Happy MLK Day.

    1. just some snow winter scenes for the girl in sunny california ;)

  3. We had a little powder on Saturday. But we'll have more tomorrow. :) I heard it's going to be an 4" to 8" accumulation.

    By the way, your photos are beautiful.

  4. On the topic of love....I LOVE THESE PHOTOS> if you don't pin, i probably will!

  5. I don't like cold and winter, but your pictures are stunning!

  6. Love all the snow pictures!! We are actually suppose to get snow today. There is absolutely nothing going on but according to the radar it's suppose to snow around 8am and continue all day. I'm suppose to be at the school by 8am but I don't want to go if I'm gonna get stuck there..


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