
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Some Women You Should Know

Do Yourself a Favor

It's strange sometimes how we are led to things, and in this instance people.

I've seen the work of both Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte many times before.  Have you heard of MarieTV or The Firestarter Sessions? You may have even seen Marie on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. If you answered yes, then in a round about way, you've heard of these ladies too.  In the past I have had quick peek at what these two had to offer and liked it, but apparently I wasn't quite ready to take it all in. This time however, I was ready for what these two ladies had to share. I was really ready.

As I've been telling you, I've been writing a lot down of late - setting goals, identifying actionable plans to reach those goals, but it just seemed like one piece was missing. 

This is how I found it.

My inbox had my weekly collection of free-to-use high resolution pictures from Unsplash. I took a moment to scroll through them and then actually click on the links of the photographers.  That led me to Paul Jarvis who mentioned that he had worked with the likes of Danielle LaPorte. Hmmm, why did I know that name? Oh yeah, #1 she has been following me on twitter.  #2 I've seen The Firestarter Sessions featured via several blogs I read.  When I dug a little deeper, lo and behold, on Danielle's site there was a video of Marie Forleo interviewing her for MarieTV and discussing Danielle's new book The Desire Map and How To Set Goals With Soul. Aha......goals with soul!

As I said, I've watched Marie's videos before and they not only make sense, they make me laugh.  This gal is right up my alley. I've read about Danielle's Firestarter Sessions and it resonated, but I didn't take action. And now, just like that, these two ladies knocked on my door and I let them in. Boy, am I glad I answered.

The Desire Map? Hmmm, I wonder what that's all about? Well, after watching, it seems to me that I've found the missing piece to my goal setting/planning/ achieving puzzle. Soul. I am ordering Danielle's book pronto. 

Beyond that, both of these women offer a fantastic amount of advice and resources on their websites and I think you'd be hard pressed to disagree.  So why not do yourself a favor and check them out? What have you got to lose? You might find, just like me, that you actually gain something.

Another woman I think you should know is Tara Gentile.  She's been arriving into my inbox for a good while now, always with in-your-face hard truths about growing your business.  This week, as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with what was on my plate and the things I want to achieve, Tara's email piqued my interest. It was an invitation to sit in on a call with her and Natasha Vorompiova,
'The Systems Chic'.

This sounded interesting.  A 'need for better business systems that would make my life easier' is one of the things I've been ranting to Garrett about lately (along with 'I need a more effective way of goal setting') and here was this invitation to sit in on a call (for free, no less) that spoke to my need....OK, you don't have to hit me over the head with a concrete block.

Suffice it to say, I liked what I heard.  It all made sense. I could see how changes to my systems or creating new ones, would not only have positive impact on my business, but more importantly on my life as a whole.  When it came time for questions and answers Natasha not only chose to answer my question, but actually gave me a real answer about project management systems. Not just a pitch to engage her services or buy into her programs.

I took her advice and looked around the web for a project management site. It may or not be the right fit, but I am going to give it a try. If it's not, I'll keep looking until I find the right one or create a system for myself that helps me track and manage my projects better. 

Aaahhh, I feel like I can almost breathe again. 

I feel like there is the desire to do the things I want to do and that there is hope that I'll find a way to do it. 

Thank you ladies.

Not to leave the men out, a big thank you to Paul Jarvis, who not only led me back to Danielle and Marie when I most needed them, but also wrote a piece about 'creating' that rocks

I must bid you ado. I have creating to do, but I'll leave you with this.

Have a great day. It's a great day to have.

Ciao for now,


  1. Oh! I too have these people cluttering up my inbox... Well I did until I decided instead of getting stressed by all the reading material I would just delete them :( thank you for the reminder that sometimes I need to stop, stop making and do a bit of working ON my business rather than just IN my business!

    1. this made me laugh because I think the reason I'm seaking out these kinds of people are to help me finetune my business so I have more time to create! ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing, I think I need to watch this when I get home.

    1. Give it a go. See what you think. Obviously their style isn't going to be for everyone but I think they both have loads of great info and ideas.


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