
Monday, January 6, 2014

Putting You On Notice

Note to 2014

Dear 2014,

I know that you think it's your year, but you are wrong.

This is The Year Of Us.

The last several, quite frankly, have stunk.

That is not to say that there hasn't been any good, because there has. In fact, no matter how bad things get, there is always plenty of good.

However, we want you to know that we have had enough of the bad.  MORE than enough.  We are not buying into the negativity of past years. We will be actively pursuing the good. We are going to stop thinking, and start doing. We are taking charge and we are going to make things happen. It's going to take a lot of work, which we have already begun to map out, but we are more than ready.

So, even if you have some bad things in store for us, we already know we can handle it. We can not only weather the storm, but we now know we can come out the other side better for it.

2014, don't allow yourself for one minute to think that this means we will just sit back and take it as it comes. We won't.

We are putting you on notice. We don't just have resolutions, we have plans. Big plans.  Feel free to come along for the ride, but this year, we are in the driver's seat and our hands are firmly on the wheel.

We will not just be taking things as they come.  There will be positive change. We will be strong in the face of any adversity. We are going to shine. We will harness the love in our life to create an even better life.  We will take actionable steps to turn our dreams into our reality.

We said it once, and we'll say it again, this is The Year Of Us.

Just wanted you to know.


Pam and Gar

On The Weather Front

So, remember Friday's post?  How we'd gotten 12 inches of snow and the thermometer kept sinking? Really, really low? The weathermen were right. It was absolutely frigid over the weekend.  I'm talking double digit below zero temps.  Today? The 50s. No kidding.

The change in temperatures brought quite a bit of fog.

It is now raining on top of the fog. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem, except for the fact that tomorrow the thermometer is taking another nose dive. A big one.  We have an expected high of 13F.

Guess we better bring a good load of wood in so it can stay warm and toasty in here.

Have you been experience strange fluctuations in the weather too?  What the heck is up with that?

Enjoy the day.

Ciao for now,


  1. Over here (in the Netherlands) we've had the warmest january 6th EVER!

    1. It's just bizarre. Holly Becker from Decor8, said in her post that the temps in the northern part of Germany where she is at have been in the 50s all 'winter'. And I just heard from a client in the midwest here who said they're under a snow advisory. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's high. Plus it is raining today and that is surely going to start to freeze all over everything as the temps drop!

  2. Well, that is 2014 well and truly TOLD! 'Don't think just Do' was my mantra as an architectural student...I still use it now when I get a bit paralysed with too many design options!

    1. I'll say this, although there is a lot of thinking going on, it's not in the form of 'just thinking' - it will be accompanied by plans of action- step by step processes to get from a to b!

  3. I love your 2014 plans! I hope your Year of Us starts off with a bang. We have -47 with the wind chill here in the Midwest today, 50's sound fantastic.
    Everyday Inspired

  4. Amen to 2014 being a super positive year...I too will not let the stupidity get me down. Phew, that's a bit chilly. I miss chilly. It's been nearly 100!! with 100% humidity around here. Actually, it hit `104 f around 4 days ago around here. But in the middle of Aus... 118 degrees fahrenheit!!

  5. such a great outlook! I had a pretty good 2013 but I have to admit though the past 4 years haven't been the greatest. It's been a roller coaster both professionally and personally and I'm about done. I'm really happy 2013 ended on a good note and I'm telling 2014 lets do this... I hope 2014 is great for you. I predict it will be. Sending good vibes.


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