
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pin Worthy: This Ain't Your Momma's Macrame

Crushin' On Wall Hangings

Oh man oh man oh man. No lie when I tell you textile wall hangings have come around again. In a whole new way. I for one, am lovin' them.  I love the colors, the texture, the weaves- well, all of it.

Just check these out and I think you'll see what I mean.

Well hello. Looking for a wall to hang on? I have one that would suit you oh-so-well.

source: all roads design website and shop

What? Looking for something shag-a-delic? Here you go. How about some giant tassel-ey goodness.

How about a wave of color?

I'll just add, that Adam's entire apartment is amazing.  He also mode the denim patchwork sofa cover. and check out the bedside lamps.............he wove cord covers. Say what? No kidding and they are the bomb.

Perhaps something a little smaller.  Subtle with a pop of neon. 

Oh yes please. I'll take them all.

Check out my textile board on pinterest for more things I love.

What do you think? Do you dig the patterns, the textures, the colors, the nod the 70s like I do?

Or is it just because I had a shag rug on one entire wall of my bedroom as a teenager and I have a nostalgic hankering for by gone days?

I can hear you now. "Surely you jest. An entire wall with shag rug?"

Would I lie to you?

You can ask my mother, because it remains in what is now her office.

That's the way we roll in my family.

Hey, does anyone else remember having a shag rug rake? I thought it would be rude not to ask.

Ciao for now,


  1. Pretty patterns, from the first picture I thought they were skirts :-)

    1. hhhmmmm, maybe you're onto something Marieken. I can see that now. might be a pretty cool skirt!

  2.'re funny, and you bring back such memories for me. :0) I loved shag soft and comfy. and hard to vacuum.

    1. I knew SOMEONE would remember shag rugs and shag rug rakes! thank you.


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