
Friday, January 31, 2014

FREE Friday: printable valentines gift wrap

Wrapping Up Love

Hi guys.  Well, I overcame the challenges of last Friday, which included my printer running out of toner right when I wanted to print off my free printable valentine's gift wrap I had for you (and then my mouse and key board croaking shortly thereafter).  Ah well, best laid plans..........right?

So here we are a week later, on the last day of January and it's time to start thinking about sharing the love, as it's only two short weeks until Valentine's Day.

To help you make your token of love for your bestie extra special, just look what I have for printable Valentine's Day Gift Wrap to help you share the love.

This free printable gift wrap collection has hearts, and tulips, and sentimental notes, Xs and Os and you guessed it, more hearts.

It's perfect for wrapping up that little something for the object of your affection.

You can download it here.

I hope you have fun spreading some love. We could all stand to do a little more of that, each and every day, rather than just once a year.

{If you'd like to share this gift wrap, which is for personal use only, you are welcome to do so. I only ask that you please link back to this original post.}

I've really enjoyed reading your comments this week, from your thoughts in response to my post on  simplicity and hearing how you make your product packaging special, to your comments on my Single Most Effective Tip For Styling Product and Blog Photos post.  I really love all of your feedback.  If any of you want to send me photos of your own packaging or your favorite product or blog photos, I'd like to start collecting some for another post on packaging in the near future. You might find yourself featured.  You can email me at pbates (at) speakeasyinfo (dot) net.

Freeform Friday

After yesterday's post, I couldn't get this song out of my head. Here's a little reunion with Rod the Mod and Ronnie.  Great song. Great musicians. So many hits between the two of them.  Click here if you're reading via email.

All in all a good week here (other than my Bruins really stinkin' on the ice last night against the Habs, our rivals-- and after a really great run no less).   I've gotten a lot done, but still much more to do including logo design work, ad planning, and a direct email design. The weekend should be fairly quiet other than Sunday when we head across the street to the neighborhoodlums for a Super Bowl party. Love it when you don't have to go far. Especially on Sunday night. What are you up to? Are you ready for some football or are you spending you time doing something else?

Ciao for now,


  1. I love how your gifts look, almost too good to unwrap :-) Have a fabulous weekend Pam!

  2. As someone who loves to gift wrap I think your paper is just awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Shelly, hope you're making out alright and able to get out and about after the snow! what a nightmare for you guys. So glad you like it. If you have bigger gifts, it can always been blown up at the copy store!

  3. Thanks for sharing, I love pretty paper!

    1. More Than welcome Wilma! ......was it your birthday Marieken was celebrating this week? if it was.....Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. Hello Pamela!
    What a great print out! Thanks so much for sharing it :D
    Thanks for stopping by my blog too - your comment totally made my day :) I hope you have a fabulously inspirational weekend! Vicky x

  5. SO so pretty! I love this paper....awww. Perfect! Kisses and have a wonderful start to the week. xo


You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam