
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What Inspires You Wednesday: The Beach


I took some much needed downtime on Monday to celebrate my birthday. I was really needing a day away from the computer.  Sometimes you just need to unplug.

Unplug I did. 

I went to the beach and walked for hours. At one point, I was the only person on the beach.

Does it get better than that?

The day was too perfect not to share in all its glory.  No photo cropping or collages in this post.  Just take it all in.

I walked from Boars Head at the North end of Hampton's Main Beach, to the jetty and harbor at the South end.

I'll save the walk back for tomorrow.

Breathing in the salt air, listening to the waves crash, the only real noise beyond that was the squawk of a gull now and again. 

I not only felt inspired, I felt recharged. Not that I wouldn't mind a week off to do that every day, but still.

So tell me.........what's inspiring you today?

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam - great post - love the photos. I feel rejuvenated just looking at the your pictures. I'll send you a pm in the BYW forum as we're neighbors!!!


You comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time to visit Mercantile Muse and for commenting. I really appreciate it. ~Pam