
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Morning Home Fries

Easy as 1, 2, 3

The potatoes I whipped up this morning were so good I had to share the ridiculously easy recipe. Caution: these are not low fat potatoes. There is butter involved, but that's what makes them so good.

2-3 servings

2 med-large potatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
4 tablespoons of butter
tbs of olive oil
1 tsp garlic powder
salt to taste

Precook potatoes (in microwave or boiling water) until you can run a knife through them without too much resistence.  If you cook them in water drain and pat dry with paper towel.  Dice potatoes and chop onion. Coat frying pan with olive oil and put over medium heat. Add onions to the pan and cook until transluscent.  Add potatoes.  Cook over medium until they start to brown. Add butter, garlic powder and salt. Continue to move around the pan for a couple of minutes to incorporate flavors.

That's it. Seriously delicious potatoes.

The perfect addition to Sunday breakfast.

It's cold and ridiculously windy here today, making it even colder.  Perfect day for getting some inside things done (not that we don't still have things to do outside but I'm won't be spending the entire day out in that cold wind). I'm going to make a pea soup and I may bake some cookies too.

What about you?

Ciao for now,


  1. I never thought of pre-cooking the potatoes. I usually just pan-fry them until they are soft. Those look good. I'll have to try pre-cooking them and see how that works.

  2. Try this: fry up pre-boiled potato pieces with salami or sausage pieces, gherkins, egg and caraway seeds!!!! Yum. It's called Bauern fruhstuck. ( farmers breakfast) probably a pinterest receive somewhere.


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