
Friday, October 18, 2013

Take A Walk With Us & Freeform Friday

Autumn in the Neighborhood

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. Then by night, clouds rolled in and by the middle of the night, rain. It came down for a good while. I know this because I laid awake for three hours. Don't you just hate that?  What I don't hate, is waking to find that the rain is gone and the sun is shining bright on another beautiful fall day. A walk with Lucan was a must.  Come along.........

So much beauty all around, and even in one single, little leaf.

It just makes me feel good.

Freeform Friday

Something else that just makes me feel good. Bob. Marley. Any day is the perfect day for Bob and his positive message. Click here if you're reading via email.

This makes me feel good too. In fact, I don't know how you can watch it and not feel downright happy. My laugh of the day. Of course, the Louis Prima accompaniment is a bonus.  Click here if you're reading via email.

I'm not sure we'll get a campfire in tonight as there is a pretty strong breeze. Then again, if it dis down, we may just be in luck. It'd be a great way to enjoy the full moon.  No real plans for the weekend, other than I'd love to get that foliage ride in and G said sure. So that's a good possibility.  Other than that, just going to take it as it comes.

What about you? What's happening in your world?

Ciao for now,


  1. Gorgeous! Gorgeous photos! You have truly captured the essence of autumn (my favorite season). Happy week-end... xo C. (HHL)

  2. Made my day start great that's for sure!


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