
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Sketchbook Project: Deadline Looms

A Long Way To Go

I totally ignored my sketchbook from The Sketchbook Project until this weekend. August seemed so far away. It's here and I am not nearly done. I've a good start, but it has to be postmarked tomorrow.



Hell yes I can do it.

Ask G. I work best under pressure.

The only problem I've run into so far is that I haven't been able to find my colored pencils. So, I am working in watercolor at the moment, something I've never done before. It's all good though because there aren't any rules to what you can fill your sketchbook with and this gives me pause to sigh in full relief.

The Sketchbook Project Tour I chose is called 1,703 Miles and Back and I decided at the beginning, the my sketchbook would be called 'places in my heart'.

So far, my rough and rudimentary watercolors include:

The front door to our home which welcomes us to a place where we feel most ourselves and welcomes those we love.

The tree at the end of the world which is really at the end of Atlantic Ave. Anyone who grew up around here knows this tree and it is a marker, so to speak, for those who got to live our their childhood on the NH seacoast.

Sunset Meadows, of course.

My favorite building. Grand Central Terminal in NYC. Always in awe when I'm in it.

Our back stoop. When Winter finally turns to Spring, one of my favorite traditions is to finally sit on the back stoop in the morning with a cuppa tea. This continues until it snows again. Until it does, I have pots of geraniums and herbs to keep me company.

I have hours to go before I sleep! I'll be pulling this baby together in every free second over the next 24 hours.

This is all for fun. To stretch myself a bit creatively. To think outside of the box and let things flow.

I am thankful it is not a term paper.

First though, the work at hand.

There's a Fall tinge in the air here today but it is glorious.

Enjoy it wherever you are and I'll do the same.

Ciao for now,

PS- Just saw the date of my last Sketchbook Project post. February 6th. Honestly, why do I do this to myself?

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