
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Around the Country Estate

Sort Of

If you've been following the Muse for awhile, you may know that we refer to our place as The Bates Estate. This should not confuse you into thinking that it in any way resembles an 'estate'. It's just 'our estate'. Our little half acre of heaven nicely situated across from Sunset Meadows.

When I need to get away from my desk for a few, just to clear the mind and recharge, I have a short look-see around the estate to see what's growing, and what's popping. It usually does the trick.


honeysuckle berries

a gorgeous piece of barn wood we scored (not sure what we'll do with it yet, but we'll find some way to showcase it)

apples from the cocciardi orchard (we planted in memory of my Grampy) are almost ready to pick and eat

the pokeweed leaves are starting to turn vibrant red/pink. gorgeous.

pokeweed blooms turning to berries which the blue birds go crazy over, come fall. they start out as a pretty little white flower, then turn into this and finally the berries will turn deep purple. and look at those stems. it's a crazy wild plant and you better have room because it gets monstrous, really huge. but dang if it ain't pretty. then it dies back to nothingness and you'd never know it was ever there (except for the stalks left behind)

if you can't tell from the size of this rose of sharon bloom, these flowers open to the size of a saucer

Craziest cluster of roses at the end of a brand, I ever did see. The bush created it's own bouqet

our first tomato (can't wait to eat that baby!)

a baby green bean pushing its flower out of the way

our first little acorn squash. we usually plant summer squash but not sure why, because the neighbors always give us some of theirs. so this year, we went with winter squash and it's growing. woohoo

It's sunny and beautiful here today.

Working at my desk on a branding package for my client and love the direction. Other than that, more bookwork later. There's a lot of that on my desk. Need to play catch up, big time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Summer heat is rolling back in and that makes this pool loving girl happy. Not that the cooler than normal temps stopped me from swimming.................

Ciao for now,


  1. The pictures look great! That pokeweed is eye-popping!

  2. I'm jealous of your winter squash plant! It's flower is so like my pumpkins who were doing very well until the summer of rain we are having decided to drown them! :( I love to come look at the photos you snap of your land. So beautiful, and somehow, they encourage me! :D

  3. I really like the first two photos.I am just growing basil and chives this year. I am hoping to add tomatoes and mint next year.


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