
Friday, August 30, 2013

Advice From The Dog & Freeform Friday

Take A Walk With Us

Enjoy your surroundings and ................... never know when they will change for the worse.

I wish it was as peaceful here as it seems.  It's day two of the utter decimation of the beautiful woodlands behind my neighbor's house across the street. All in the name of money and development.

It continues to be heartbreaking.

It's also unbelievably loud.

Freeform Friday

They said they were going to take down 30 trees. The are so beyond that number now, it's simply hard to fathom how the woods have been destroyed within the last 24 hours.

Turn up your volume to get a little taste of what we're dealing with in the neighborhood today.  Click here if you're reading via email.

Click here if you're reading via email and want assault your eyes and ears even more.

Thanks to Leeann at pasqueflower for suggesting today's video. Click here if you're reading via email.

Enjoy the day wherever you are, and I'll try to do the same.

Ciao for now,


  1. Beautiful photos! I especially love the purple and pink flowers.

  2. love that pic of the morning looks like the light is shining out of it!

  3. Ok, WHAT is in the third and sixth picture? Looks suspiciously like what has been coming in attached to Casey. Happy weekend!


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